@_ryangilbert there are thousands of Top Student Tutors from colleges all over the U.S. solving the questions. They are undergrad and grad students so they can answer pretty much any question from any academic level
@babu_ck most of the time students who get stuck studying or doing homework and they can't get help end up cheating to save their grade. By providing students with extra academic help on demand we're actually increasing their learning outcome and reducing cheating. Our tutors never give out just answers but rather they provide a thorough step-by-step explanation to maximize the understanding of the topic
I'm the CEO of StudyRoom, makers of the Snapsolve app. Our brand new app provides students from any grade level, elementary to graduate level, with high-quality, on-demand help from out Top Student Tutors. If you're stuck on homework just snap a picture of the problem and get a detailed answer in minutes.
We will be checking out this post the entire day so if you have any questions or comments feel free to post it below
@joshdance Yes, thousands of tutors from all over the U.S. available. Extra compensation for early and late hours. They can access questions from their computer or now also from their phone so they can be really fast
Yes, thousands of tutors from all over the U.S. available. Extra compensation for early and late hours. They can access questions from their computer or now also from their phone so they can be really fast
Product Hunt
Summer Bod 2020