I hope this t-shirt doesn't disappear in 10 seconds
Brian Felix

Get Shit Done Calendar — ❌Make a series of small adjustments in your daily routine. ❌


1. Pick a task that is meaningful enough to make a difference, but simple enough that you can get it done.

2. Each day that you do your task, you get to put a red X over that day. After a while, you’ll start making a chain and you’ll like seeing that chain.

3. Don’t break the chain!

Brian Felix
Hey guys, this is the first thing I've hunted. Hope it doesn't come off narcissistic since I made it. Would love your thoughts! Let's get shit done in 2019! ❌
Abishek Muthian
Congratulations on the launch! Get Shit Done Calendar could be addressing this need gap - 'Getting things done at individual level' posted on my problem validation platform - You're welcomed to explain how your product solves their problem, So those who need 'Get Shit Done Calendar' can find it easily!
Rafiq Maniar
The images you uploaded to Product Hunt are a much better representation of what the product is than the shop site. I would seriously consider redoing the theme on your shop, not because it's "not pretty" but because it just does not showcase your product effectively, IMHO.
Ryan Ibrahim
There is an error in your calendar @idislikebrian, the 31th of August is a Saturday, hence the 1st of September 2019 is a Sunday, not Monday like your calendar says. For 9 bucks come on man... Nice design tho.
Anna Filou
Nice, where are the newer emoji like 🥰 though?
Charles Magnuson
Weeks start on Monday, not Sunday. For half price, I'd go for a downloadable version.
Don The Idea Guy
I actually prefer my weeks to begin on Sunday and set my calendar options to that preference every chance I get, so I appreciate this design!
Ganesh App
@idislikebrian Nice stuff. Just a note, September 1st is on Sunday and not Monday. 😃
Jorge Mendez
Looking forward to adding this to my everyday routine!