Laser-Shop Pricing API - Instant time & pricing estimation of laser cutting services
Our Laser-Shop Pricing API allows for instant time & pricing estimation of laser cutting, scoring & engraving services.
This API works as a drop-in solution for ConvertCalculator, which allows you to easily build an instant pricing form for your business.
Vector Express API - A free API to convert, process and analyze vector files.
Vector Express is a free-to-use API for converting, analyzing and processing vector files. It runs a combination of different conversion programs that can be chained together to convert between a wide area of formats. Made with love by @Smidyo!
Smidyo Framework - Create automated sales & pricing portals, with no overhead.
We're excited to be working on the next generation of pricing and sales process automation.
We're taking our learnings from the Smidyo platform (, and are now making it available for enterprises, developers and agencies as a framework! ðŸ›
Smidyo - Sell complex products, such as manufacturing, online
I've been working on this for a couple of years now. It's a platform that allows you to pair a form that gathers complex data with a pricing pipeline. Both of which can be created in the dashboard. We then host a portal where customers can quote themselves!