Jeroen Geurts

SmartFriends - Get smarter in a fun way, together with your friends.

Get smarter in a fun way, together with your friends!
Every day one fun IQ challenge.
Logical reasoning and much more.
Everyone around the world gets the same one.
Beat your friends, be the smartest!

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Jeroen Geurts
Hello everyone! My name is Jeroen Geurts, together with some friends we created the SmartFriends app. Why? We believe that people are mentally dulled by watching superficial television and spending too much time on social media. To compensate for this, it's good to stimulate your brain in a more challenging way. With SmartFriends, you stimulate your brain every day, and most importantly: in a fun way! Why fun? Because you’re doing it together with friends, that’s how you stay motivated! Getting smarter, really? Recently, the extensive COGITO Study at the Max-Planck Institute demonstrated that training with brain exercises improves working memory for people of all age groups. SmartFriends offers everyone, all over the world, the same daily challenge, in the form of a logical IQ test. It can be a number sequence, a Matrigma test, or anything that will start a brain crunching. Solved the test? You'll share your score and challenge your friends. After all, we all have that competing spirit and this keeps you motivated! Get smarter, download SmartFriends. I hope you will enjoy it! Please let me know what you think of the app. Thanks!
Eff Dub
Is this only available on iOS @jeroeng ?
Jeroen Geurts
@effdub Hi Eff, thanks for your interest. We're still working on the Android version, it will become available soon.