Laure Albouy

Draft by Slite - Turn your Chrome tabs into a sleek editor 📝


Draft by Slite turns your new tabs into a distraction-free editor for your quick notes and ideas—no need to be a Slite user. Notes are automatically saved, even if you close your tab.
When you’re done, send them to your Slite workspace in one click.

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Laure Albouy
Hi everyone 👋 A few months back during a team retreat, Lead Engineer @calyhre & @arnaudrinquin built a Chrome extension that turns new tabs into a beautiful editor. When we returned from Lisbon, roadmap and product priorities took over and we never got around to officially releasing it.  Since then, a few of us have been using it every day for our quick notes and ideas. Last week, we decided it was about time everyone got to enjoy it too. So, we're very excited to introduce Draft, our Chrome extension. Next time you need to capture thoughts or to-dos, just pop open a new tab—no need to be a Slite user. When you're done, you can share them with your team by saving them your Slite workspace.
Charley DAVID
@arnaudrinquin @laure_albouy I'm so happy it's finally out! 🥳 I've been using it constantly while working on it as a pet-project for over a year now. It usually contains my todo list for the day, plus some random thoughts, reminders, and other drafts. Let me know if you have suggestions or comments, I'd love to know how you are using it!
Redon Gjika
@arnaudrinquin @laure_albouy @calyhre Great product Slite team!
@calyhre @arnaudrinquin @laure_albouy Hey, I think it's a great extension! There was one thing I liked less so though. To save a draft I need a Slite account. Which I think is understandable (it's you main product). In any case, I made a short breakdown of walking through your product. Check it out if you're curious about a user test! :) 👇
Laure Albouy
@calyhre @arnaudrinquin @askjibran wow thanks for this breakdown! super useful :) just in case it wasn't clear: your draft is auto-saved even if you close your tab!
Jared Newman
@calyhre @arnaudrinquin @laure_albouy Been enjoying it. But wish that you could sync the new tab across devices (and that the Trello embed didn't have so much empty space around it).
Redon Gjika
This is my latest secret productivity hack. Thanks a lot guys for pushing this live. Using it to remind me of my daily todos while browsing or to take quick last minute notes during calls. Super handy!
Laure Albouy
@redongjika thank you for being one of our very first users 💜
Anna Amelina
Finally someone decided to make such thing! Thank you guys so much!
Laure Albouy
@stalevarova glad you like it! :)
Tadas Labudis
That's an awesome idea! Anything that removes barriers and friction from taking notes is a plus in my book.
Brieuc Sebillotte
@labudis thanks Tadas! That's indeed the goal of this extension :) Btw I'm making great usage of Prodsight so far ;)
Redon Gjika
Clean and unintrusive
Gabriel Birnbaum
Love it!
Quentin Nickmans
I like this - so simple - thanks 🚀
ryan sneddon
This is really slick. But I use Notion for this sort of note taking. ?makers are you trying to target Notion users (people who have that tab open all the time) or encourage a different group of people to take notes? Because the functionality is almost the exact same. And for what it's worth, I wish every text editor ever used the "/" functionality.
Christophe Pasquier
Thanks for the question @sneddymobbin! Slite is an alternative to Notion, so we won't integrate with it but tbh it doesn't matter, you can always use Draft, paste the content to Notion when needed & voilà! Of course at some point we hope you'll try Slite, you might be surprised ;) Cheers!
ryan sneddon
@christophepas Yes I realized as I went to your site that I may have said a bad word by mentioning Notion. Seems like you are focusing on the business customer, not personal. Is this correct?
Christophe Pasquier
@sneddymobbin fully focused on teams and businesses indeed, teams from 2 to 1000 people work on Slite everyday!
Robin Iss
Clean & Powerful > kudos to the team 👌
Vincent Offredo
Great job! I remember using an extension that offered the same thing :)
Christophe Pasquier
@vincent__off Probably Papier? @calyhre, our editor lead, was already behind this one 😅 Draft will benefit from our constant work on Slite's editor though!
Vincent Offredo
@calyhre @christophepas Yes it was ! I thought it was useful. I've never tried slite, I'll try it sometime. Could the notes be synchronized with an external service? For example I open a new tab, write a note and it's directly synchronized in a trello table
Alex Bass
This is so great! Will have it as an auto-install Chrome extension for the company :) You have won over my "New Tab" page! Keep up the great work!
Brieuc Sebillotte
@alexhbass winning your "New Tab" is an achievement as I guess you've been trying thousands of things :D
Alex Bass
@brieuc1 haha you got it! I have been using it a couple days now and it's surprisingly convenient. I have tried so many new tab pages for "productivity". Panda for staying up to date on news, Toby/Workona for more of a suggestion of bookmarks and such. But there's really something to having a sales call roll in or have a quick thought and writing down some notes immediately "Ctrl + T". The speed at which it loads is a big win. Quite frankly it's the first time I have tried a new tab page in 1.5 years as I have been using Workona since. They allow for other keyboard shortcuts when using their extension though so I don't feel as if I need their new tab page to be productive with it. I'm happy with the mixture. Already enabled it for my team as well (moving them from the Workona new tab page) and they too are fans - not an easy feat 🙌
Svend Court-Payen
Light and handy - congrats guys 👏
Super helpful extension! Thanks guys 👋🏻
Awesome, such a great idea!
Arpit Choudhury
Been using Slite and loving it. Notion is so over-hyped.
Mitchell Opatowsky
Extraordinarily elegant for makers like me! You all could add a sentence saying "Want to make note-taking even faster, change the extension's shortcut. Just press ⌘D for instant jotting capabilities." After doing this, I feel like my note-jotting capability is about to be unimaginable!
How obvious! I had given up other inferior alternatives to fill the need, so thank you. Very clean and so practical! Kudos to the team!
Rohit Kaul
This looks elegant and is very fast.. wondering why no one has made it till date
Benjamin Malartic-Ardange
Keep up the great work guys!
Gabe Perez
This is amazing~ I've literally been typing notes in the address bar for years.
Laure Albouy
@juan_perez2 great to hear 🤩