The product itself looks great. However, the permissions given to chrome seem a bit too much. "Read and change data on all sites", "read your browsing history" and "communicate with cooperating sites" seems a bit over the top to be able to deliver the functionality that the product is claiming. @stefanstok are you able to go over each of these permissions and let us know why the product needs it?
@dave_cooper Definitely! Would love to explain.
- LinkedIn: We simply need access to be able to place our button on the page and figure out which email to search for.
- Read your browser history: This is a permission that allows us to access the URL that you are on, e.g if you are on, We track nothing other than that with that permission.
- Communicate with cooperating websites: Allows us to speak to our server and
@dave_cooper chrome needs to fix its permissions. We shouldn't have to give tons of control when developers don't need (or, you can see) want all that data.
Hi everyone! We're excited to be on Product Hunt today, and launching Slik Prospector, our first tool. Slik Prospector allows you to easily find anyone's email when you visit their LinkedIn profile. You can then save it to our dashboard, and export it to a CSV. We have one of the highest deliverability rates at 98%, and are looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Feel free to comment here, or email me, if you have any questions or comments.
@zefareu@stefanstok@scottruona it's a question of minimising distractions. For everyone actually clicking "sign up" you don't want to give them a chance to change their mind in the last second. cheeky, but effective ;)
@louis_sugar@zefareu@stefanstok@scottruona from my experience with feedback on our landing page, people get so bombarded with "sign up" with new services they are leaning more towards a little more information upon making their decision. We can still provide them with the most affective and influential information while still being concise and none distracting. Just somethings I got from building our landing page. Http://
@juztinowenz Hey Justin, if you dig LinkedIn prospecting tech, I invite you to check out our Lead Tracking app that's getting hunter today, would love to hear what you think
@mazzeo Hello Matt, if you're into sales tech, I invite you to check out our linkedin lead tracking app that's getting hunted today, it would be great to hear what you think
@niraj Niraj, good Q - We mainly differ in our pricing models, and in our higher quality of emails since we've developed different methods of verification. We are also more non-technical friendly due to our chrome extension working on LinkedIn.
Like the idea. However, giving away 10 free tries only to lure me into using the first one on Gary Vee feels kind of cheap. Just giva away 11 then.
Also, due to a bug Linkedin is now unusable for me: there is room for polishing so to speak....
@remcobron Hey Remco, thanks for showing us this bug - Other people who tested it didn't have the issue, so we'll be looking into that.
Also, you're 100% right - We'll make Gary's request free, we just overlooked it. Appreciate the feedback!
LinkedIn Message Tracking by SalesWings
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LinkedIn Message Tracking by SalesWings
LinkedIn Message Tracking by SalesWings
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