Scott Dodge

sleeper - An ambient new tab brower extension


An ambient new tab browser extension

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Scott Dodge
This is an open source new tab extension with dark mode support, check out the source on GitHub!
Phelipe Martin
@scotato loved it. Just wish you could put default 'dark mode' or 'light'... And perhaps, make the art apper different for every new tab.
Scott Dodge
@mextremartini Thanks! It should remember if you're in light or dark mode when you close the tab and open a new one. I'll add some settings to allow for more control over that and colors in the next update. 👍
Joshua Pinter
@mextremartini @scotato Are you able to pull in the system's current light/dark mode setting so that it automatically changes? I know StackOverflow supports this in their newly released Dark Mode.
Scott Dodge
@mextremartini @joshuapinter Yes, I'm using a package called use-dark-mode that manages dark mode in the app, it will detect if the system changes color modes while the app is open (working on MacOS). I'll have to write some additional logic to check the mode when the app opens, will add that to the next update. 👍
Scott Dodge
@tombielecki added one, thanks!
love this app
Chris Bongers
Amazing, installed it myself great work @scotato !
love it