Reema Bharti

Sleep Cinema - Interactive cinema for your dreams


Sleep Cinema is an app which takes a revolutionary approach to sleep. Now you are able to choose any kind of dream you will see at night. Two main things you need - your headphones or speakers and an installed application on your smartphone.

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Matt Gordon
How long before we have advertising in our dreams?
Igor Krylov
@matthew_gordon Hello! Do you mean advertising in a dream?)
Igor Krylov
@matthew_gordon There is no such advertisement and will never be! But this is quite possible.
Ryan Hoover
@matthew_gordon that's some Black Mirror stuff
Igor Krylov
@rrhoover the future has come;)
Tsetan Lungkara
Hi @immaverz & @igorkrylov19 , I really like what Sleep Cinema is all about! So, recently I started making a podcasts with a fellow entrepreneur on startups and for our upcoming podcast episode, we'd love to talk about and give feedback on Sleep Cinema. What do you guys think?
Igor Krylov
@t_lung Hello! Great idea! Write more details on mail or twitter?
Tsetan Lungkara
@t_lung @igorkrylov19 Hi, What is your email?
Igor Krylov
@t_lung Please write here so that I don't miss your message by email;)
Tsetan Lungkara
@t_lung @igorkrylov19 For sure, as I said, I really like your app and would love to feature it on my podcast(Moscow Reviews). It may serve as a PR for you! šŸ˜Š Is there anything I should note beforehand before I start using your app? Thanks! Tsetan from Moscow Reviews{Podcast} for startup reviews
Gundeep Singh
Haha.. this looks fun!!.me and my friends used to do a similar thing in secondary school to fxxk around with one of our friends who talked in his sleep.. once I made him agree that 2+2 is 5 šŸ˜†šŸ˜›
Igor Krylov
@gndps Nice;) Tell us more by email?)
Gundeep Singh
@gndps @cebrum @igorkrylov19 sure will drop you a mail about it! :)
Igor Krylov
Thank you - @reema_bharti1 and @hrishikesh1990 Free movie for PH users! Write to us to receive! Global update - 1.2.3 What's new - added temporary Happy New Year event - added new movie Desert - added temporary Halloween event - the application theme has become dark - added the ability to choose between day and night sleep Contacts and social networks: ā€¢ Twitter ā€¢ Vkontakte ā€¢ E.mail ā€¢ Site
Adrian Ratajczak
@igorkrylov19 Hi, I've installed Sleep Cinema on Motorola One Vision and started cosmo movie with long sleep. For first hour there was no sound from my device then I started sleeping. Today, few minutes ago I woke up. Me and my gf have alot of strange dreams. Something like from Stanley Kubrik movies and Tarantino mixed. Now I am curious about that. No sound is intended?
Igor Krylov
@adrian_ratajczak Hello! Thank you for your feedback, we really need them :) Could you tell us more about your dream? Have you slept without headphones? This could happen due to low volume, for example ... Try using headphones, this is more accurate;)
Mary Grayson
Looks really interesting!
Igor Krylov
@marygrayson Thank you! We are glad that you liked it!
David Sundar
Great idea
Igor Krylov
@davidsundar We are waiting for you among our users;)
Simone Almonte
Very cool, congrats on the launch.
Igor Krylov
@simonealmonte Thank you very much!
Julie Smith
What are some interesting usecases you have seen from early customers?
Igor Krylov
@juliesmith46 Hello! Nothing out of the ordinary) Do you want to suggest something?)
William M. Ballance
Igor Krylov
@mballance Thank you!)
I thought of the exact same concept few months ago!
Igor Krylov
@cemre Hello! Our development took about 1.5 years
Grisel Williams
Wow, that's awesome!
that was fun to try :) concept is great, especially as a stand-alone app specialized in sleep!
Igor Krylov
@johan_duus_terkelsen Thank you! We will not refuse to review GooglePlay;)