Hi Product Hunt! We’re very excited about this major update of Silk which should make it easier for people to get started (you can create Silks by importing Excel sheets, CSV files, Google Sheets, through our API or manually) and to navigate through your data - and we made everything completely responsive as well!
With Silk, we’re trying to build the ultimate platform for people to publish their data online. Too much knowledge has been locked up away in spreadsheets and other data sources while it could’ve been online in a friendly format - only for a lack of a proper platform and tools.
A few examples of topics that this community might enjoy:
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We would love to hear your feedback on our big update today! :)
You can also use it paired with other products like Import.io and CrowdFlower to extract or clean data, if you want to create things beyond what you might have in your simple spreadsheet.
I really like the look of Silk & the results it can produce, however I feel after just starting to use it, it's a little short on explanatory videos, walkthroughs or examples that really take you through the basics - I hope you add more soon!
@jonbstrong Thanks Jonathan! Have you seen the videos on our Help pages? https://www.silk.co/help
Would love to hear if this is useful or if you're missing any walkthroughs there as well.
Hi there!
We are Imaging Mind, a community for Imaging startup founders. Our aim is to connect people around the future of imaging for mutual benefit.
We'd love to invite you to our online community (Slack), but unfortunately we do not have your email address.
Could you send us a DM on twitter?
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