Communication tool for free calls and chat
Eric Willis

Skype for Slack — Move your slack discussions to a group skype call


Reinald Freling
I don't see why Slack can't open a web view within the Slack app when starting a Skype call. Would be much better UX than being redirected to a web browser. Overall, I much prefer for video calls. Maybe Slack should acqui-hire them and integrate the service in Slack. is already based on a system of rooms (which could be rebranded channels). In any case, video calls has to be the next big Slack feature in 2016.
Luis Borges Quina
@rfreling Slack has already acquired Screenhero which is the same as . And is working on making it better.
Luis Borges Quina
@rfreling Also, the limitation comes from the Slack API not from the integrated software. Opening a webpage is the only option available right now for using WebRTC enabled applications like Skype Web.
Reinald Freling
@quinaluis yes I knew they acquired screenhero. It's been a while though and screenhero is more about screensharing and onscreen collaboration. I just hope Slack will implement video chat sooner than later :)
Luis Borges Quina
@rfreling I think they will do that through integrations, much more interesting for them as a business model. They can capture the user base of integrated softwares :)
Andrei Soroker
If you'd like to sync *chat* from a Skype group and your Slack channel, you can use Here's a video:
Fredrik Olovsson
Was SOOO excited until Skype gave me a bunch of prompts including "Install this Chrome extension." I want calls to be embedded in Slack...
Ben Tossell
@mrolovsson no doubt it won't be long!
Luis Borges Quina
@bentossell @mrolovsson The main hurdle is real time call notification inside Slack. Hence probably the Chrome extension. At ( we're working hard on that :)
Eric Willis
Just type /skype on any channel in Slack to start a call with your team, or one-to-one.
Ouriel Ohayon
@erictwillis really cool addition. until Slack provides VOIP :)
Ryan Hoover
When is VOIP coming, @buster / @stewart? 😄
Luis Borges Quina
@rrhoover @erictwillis @ourielohayon At ( the VoIP feature will be announced soon on PH together with other cool features. Stay tuned :)
Matija Abicic
@rrhoover @erictwillis I too keep annoying @SlackHQ with this question every month or so :)
Lasse Clausen
@erictwillis We just pinned a permanent hangout URL to each channel, easy.
Matija Abicic
Just tried it...couldn't get it to work, video wouldn't start (safari, chrome, IE). Removed the integration. Lasted 16 mins before my team gave up :)
Zac Davies
Still prefer the Slack extension. Doesn't require accounts or plugins - Skype prompted me to install a plugin AND a Chrome extension.
Omar Pera
Pretty cool, although it opens the Skype Web for now, and not the native app. After giving a try to Skype Web in the last weeks, my conclusion is that is not ready for production at all. Hope they allow the option to open the native app soon.
Alice Thwaite
Yes! I just saw this and realised it's something the whole team desperately needs. Thanks guys! Great idea.
Daniel Hall
Interesting, would like to see how it works with screen sharing. Which to me is more valuable than a video call.
Great addition to slack! However I feel has a better integration with lesser steps for starting a video call.
Ben Harten
Theoretically great but I was instructed by support that I need to create a new Skype user to incorporate correspondences from my existing skype. I was heartily disappointed.
Sergey Kravtsov
You can also use as free and open source alternative to all mentioned below.
Jason DeMorrow
That's pretty dope, thanks for hunting it. Slack really has become the Facebook of productivity. Their platform play is impressive.
Elia Morling
Great idea! I only wish it had been a more stable video conferencing platform.
Ben Wilson
As much as I loathe Skype this is probably one of the more important integrations
Chris Doner
Probably not possible but I'd rather it use the Slack app for call instead of web browser
Misha Gopaul
Nice! Native integration would make it even better.
Dre Durr💡
I love this idea. It is game changing
Great idea!!!!!