Dennis van der Vliet - Professional PR made easy!

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Eric Metelka
I think the press release is dead. It's much better to reach out personally with a compelling story to press relationships you've built. Why am I wrong? Why are press releases still necessary?
Dennis van der Vliet
@eric3000 I agree, sending out a press release to every email address you can find/buy is death. That practice only fills spam boxes and the pockets of companies like BusinessNewswire and PRNewsWire. But don't you think the way you communicate with the press is different from the way you communicate with the general public?
Marc Köhlbrugge
@eric3000 I disagree the press release is dead, but I do think most people are using them in the wrong way. If you think writing a press release and 'distributing' via news wires is all you have to do, then no it doesn't work like @dennisvdvliet points out. Where I still see a great value however, and how I've successfully used it, is as a vehicle to include all the relevant information a journalist might need in a way that's as accessible as possible. The easier you can make it for a journalist to write an article about your news, the better chance you have. So that's what I do. I write a personal email to relevant journalists and include the press release as an additional resource with all the images, videos, quotes, stats, data and other background information they might want to know, but you wouldn't include in your email message. Disclosure: I'm one of founders of's original incarnation back when it was called PressDoc. @dennisvdvliet: I'm curious to hear how the email distribution functionality is being used. As you know it's something we originally didn't implement, because we had a hard time designing it in a way we felt aligned with our vision of how modern press releases should be used. Care to share some numbers of how many people are generally emailed, what the response rates are, etc? Would be interesting to compare the response rate (and succeeding coverage) of the users emailing few journalists with personalized messages versus those sending emails in bulk.
Dennis van der Vliet
@marckohlbrugge I checked the last 100 campaigns and found the following stats: - 37/100 of the campaigns go to 100 people or less - open rates for campaigns going to 100 people or less are rarely below 20% (just in 2 out of the 37 cases) - 63/100 campaigns go to over 100 people - open rates for campaigns going to over 100 people are below 20% for 43 out the 63 campaigns So the majority of users use the email distribution in a way it was not really intended to be used (to send large volumes of emails). But people using it in the way we intended to be used get way better results. Keep an eye on our blog ( where we shall more stats about this soon.
Marc Köhlbrugge
@dennisvdvliet Cool. Thanks for sharing! Haven't used the distribution functionality yet, so not sure how it works exactly, but might make sense to give people a heads up when they enter e.g. 50 contacts. Educate them how personalized message convert better (share those same stats), etc. Looking forward to the blog posts!
Max Tatton-Brown
Come on guys, this isn't what PR is. Making press releases look glossier is not going to help anyone write about you. It's not the missing bit of the puzzle -- and neither is your lack of email addresses for every tech reporter in a convenient place (to quote another recent example.) The real tools that help with PR often do show up on this page. Take Yesware, which will help you see if journalists are actually opening your pitch and clicking the links it contains. This isn't a positive PR tool because it's invasive, it's great because it gives you insight to build a better relationship and waste less of their time. Or remind you to check in if you sent something under embargo and you know they haven't opened it yet but launch is coming up. And as for telling your story on the web, just get your act together on Tumblr or any CMS and write the announcement that you'd hope to see. Not some crusty LONDON, 18 July 2014 -- A NEW STARTUP HAS LAUNCHED THE WORLD'S LEADING DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION SOLUTION PLATFORM. Understand what journalists need and put together a small media kit. The examples of stories where their amazing substance is held back by lack of style in their presentation are few and far between. Spend your time where it matters.
Kevin Nakao
@MaxTB well said. I've gotten much better results via blog posts (guest and company posted) over press releases.
Dennis van der Vliet
@MaxTB helps you create a good looking press release with all the relevant information and attachments (high res etc) in less time. So instead of spending time on tinkering with Tumblr and DropBox to create a glossy press release we enable users to spend time on what really matters: content, story telling and building press relations. Email tracking functionality like Yesware is part of our offering btw.
Max Tatton-Brown
@dennisvdvliet Hi Dennis -- and (despite my rant) congratulations with the business so far. Sounds like your team, including Boris who I notice founded The Next Web, is doing well, especially since the relaunch from PressDoc. I'm not suggesting people tinker around to create a press release template, I'm saying the opportunity is to find a better way to tell your actual story. I think there's a risk that formats like press releases and blogs lumber startups with the baggage of their definitions and cause people who don't live and breathe Comms to pump out more generic fodder, through little fault of their own. I don't think really great, professional PR is as easy as signing up to a service like this -- I think the bigger and more likely risk is that innocent companies will sign up, thinking that they are doing the right thing and looking the part, when in fact they are just spamming journalists with more elegant-looking chaff.
David Haddad
@MaxTB Hey Max, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. What PR innovations do you find interesting at the moment?
Max Tatton-Brown
@daveying99 I'm actually writing this up at the moment as the second in a series of three posts that define my communications agency, Augur ( The first post was all about how editors are more important than content ( and this second post is about how good PR requires better engineering. Off the top of my head, tools I'll be talking about include: Yesware for email for sucking in data to do smart things with it Twitter API for everything from populating details in media lists to identifying second rounds of influential targets based on our initial lists Asana for all project management + communication, also hoping to build apps that generate reports etc from it. Obviously stuff like Google Drive, Docs, Hangouts, Analytics etc. You get the gist.
Josiah Tullis
We've been using this for Canary ( and it's made PR that much easier! Love it.
Dennis van der Vliet
@MrJosiahT Impressive number of clippings you collected. Did you use the browser extension or did you add the manually?
Josiah Tullis
@dennisvdvliet I went through all of our referral links and Google News stories and manually added them using the browser extension. Took quite a while! The extension is helpful, but something really automated would be cool too.
Francine Hardaway
I've tried many of these before, but they don't do what I want. Now I will try this one:-) I'd love to find one that worked.
David Haddad
@hardaway Hi Francine, what is it that you want?
Francine Hardaway
I'm with Max. I owned the largest agency in Arizona 20 years ago and sold it to Intel. I then went on to found an accelerator. From those combined experiences, I learned that deep relationships with a few key PEOPLE who often move from publication to publication, are the true value in PR, along with -- of course-- real news. But where I part company from Max is on the subject of the need for a glossy press room. That need exists, although it's not for the press. The pressroom is for other stakeholders, like customers, investors, prospects, and potential employees. Often with a tech company sit especially there will be very specific product information that is TL;DR for some stakeholders. A well-written press release and good boilerplate gives a company overview that's enough for many people. Thanks for engaging.
Max Tatton-Brown
@hardaway Definitely with you in the sense that every company should find somewhere to tell their story to the people who matter and make it easy to understand who they are. I sort of wish more companies would spruce up their /about/ page with this kind of stuff.
Mike Cunsolo
We use this and it's pretty good, it's one less page we've had to build and manage. I don't use the CRM functions though we do point journalists and bloggers towards it and it's pretty useful.
Dennis van der Vliet
@mrcunsolo Thanks for the kind words! "Pretty good" is cool ;-), but how can we make it "awesome" for you?
Mike Cunsolo
@dennisvdvliet I'm British so "pretty good" is roughly the same thing : ) We don't really do enough press to warrant using the CRM functions but if we did I imagine a plugin for Gmail would be useful i.e. I can continue using Gmail to send msgs to Journalists and Bloggers but can review open rates etc...
James Pember
Happy user here. Slick interface, simple pricing. Plenty of alternatives on the market, but the customer support/service was pretty good here.
Dennis van der Vliet
@jamesepember The main reason we love building it :-)
David Haddad
@jamesepember what other alternatives have you tried and passed on?
David Haddad
So much PR startup activity, keep them coming :-)
Dennis van der Vliet
Hello everyone, my name is Dennis, part of the team. Happy to hear questions and/or feedback :)
Patrick de Laive
We use it at TNW for inside info:
Patrick de Laive
@dennisvdvliet yep correct, edited it in my comment as well now. Thanks for noticing
Kevin Nakao
Unless you are public or a widely-followed company, press releases are useless unless you want some spider-food. If your goal is to get press, you need a targeted 1-1 approach with key journalists which may require exclusives to break your story.
This is a winner for me. Multiple Presskits! Did the math as well. The secret to success with this is to curate a great PR/vertical outreach list outside of the platform. The rest is easy. I'd recommend this to any startup. Would love a Product Hunter Discount ;)