Kevin Granger

Sketch 40 - Latest version of the vector drawing tool

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Ben Tossell
You can see a looooong list of the updates here and the announcement post on Medium
Kevin Granger
Improved Vector Editing and More:
Galya Iliev
@kevin_granger Thanks for posting. Would you please update it to say Sketch 40 :) Sketch 4.0 is incorrect.
I thought Sketch 4.0 was 'just an update' and not a major update in the 3.0 to 4.0 sense. As the blog told us: "There will be no grand launch of “Sketch 4.0” as such. Following on from the current Sketch 3.8, we will release version 39, and after that version 40, and so on." But that has been changed apparently....
@brunofigueiredo That's right, but besides the naming convention it looks like Ben figured it was a substantial update instead of a small one (in the 38 to 39 sense).
Jason Ganub
@t55 @brunofigueiredo I just bought Sketch 3.0 yesterday, does that mean I'll be missing out or will I receive this update?
Ben Tossell
@t55 @brunofigueiredo I didnt say anything about substantial update from 38 to 39 to 40.... those versions are not on PH... same with other dot versions of products.
Pat McDonnell
@jasonganub @t55 @brunofigueiredo You'll get the update and any others for a year from purchase. Sketch recently changed their licensing, outlined here:
Nikolas Huebecker
@jasonganub It should be a received update. There is a button on the site that says upgrade now I believe.
James Zhang
Is Sketch crashing upon load for anyone else after updating? :(
@jamesfzhang Try unplugging it, waiting 30 seconds and plugging it back in.
Noah Kim
They're finally addressing my biggest issue with Sketch, which is horrible shape/layer selection and manipulation. Sometimes it makes me go insane for a couple seconds.
Buck Wilson
Fantastic update and I hope that the Sketch team works on vector editing for the next 10 versions as well 😁
David Chang
It's slower after this update. Keep showing loading icon when performing a simple resizing.
Tony Knight

It's the best prototyping tool I have used for web and app development.


Made me rethink everything & allowed me to kill my CC subscription. SVG support is killer, & I've now moved all my vector files to svg


Nothing worth quibbling over.

chloe perez
i would use it. Although it would be too expensive
Franck Monod
I felt in love with this product, it's easy to use even if you're not a designer