I thought Sketch 4.0 was 'just an update' and not a major update in the 3.0 to 4.0 sense. As the blog told us: "There will be no grand launch of “Sketch 4.0” as such. Following on from the current Sketch 3.8, we will release version 39, and after that version 40, and so on." But that has been changed apparently....
@brunofigueiredo That's right, but besides the naming convention it looks like Ben figured it was a substantial update instead of a small one (in the 38 to 39 sense).
@t55@brunofigueiredo I didnt say anything about substantial update from 38 to 39 to 40.... those versions are not on PH... same with other dot versions of products.
They're finally addressing my biggest issue with Sketch, which is horrible shape/layer selection and manipulation. Sometimes it makes me go insane for a couple seconds.
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