Rachel Andrew

Versioning - A place for kind web folk to share incredible web things


Versioning is a daily email of curated links and commentary crafted to keep highly-engaged web developers on the cutting edge....

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Rachel Andrew
The Versioning email was already a fantastic resource for anyone who works on the web, and the new Versioning site allows everyone to contribute and share the interesting resources they find. I've been looking at the Beta and it's a great way to get an overview of what people are talking about on the web.
Ophelie Lechat
@rachelandrew Thanks Rachel! The whole Versioning team is already addicted to our own product, we hope to share the joy :)
@ophelielechat @rachelandrew Surely are :) Thanks for Hunting us out Rachel, much appreciated!
Evan Varsamis
define incredible things :D
kyle vermeulen
@evanvar Fair enough :) Our aim is to keep busy web folks ahead on all things web development and design, but there's usually a bit of fun and random entertainment mixed in!
Joost Schuur
@kylevermeulen @evanvar You might want to be a bit more specific in your tagline. The webdev centric focus was a bit hard to gleam from that. In fact, my whole first impression of the site was 'What's this about again?' A part of me saw 'versioning' and thought it was some kind of niche, version control system specific user submitted story site.
@joostschuur @evanvar Thanks for the feedback Joost, it's appreciated!
kyle vermeulen
@joostschuur @evanvar Agree with you re: not especially specific... open for ideas on a better tagline. Perhaps "A social news site for kind web folk" ..?
kyle vermeulen
I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I do!
Alex Lunnon
Nice work guys!!