Andreas Storm

Sip for Mac - The best way to collect, organize & share your colors

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Chris Scott
Is this an update or has Sip seriously never been hunted? Is fantastic, I use it daily. Fun Fact: our dog thinks the sip sound is the smoke detector chirping. Sets him off every time. It's kind of hilarious.
Reony T
@chrisgscott same question. I'm stupid and should've checked if Sip was hunted. Damn lol! Been a long time supporter, happy to see Sip here. 👍🏼
Drew Parker
Love this app, been using it for a year - highly recommend it! :)
André Gonçalves
Hi there! Let us know if you have questions or suggestions on sip. Thanks!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@andre_goncalves have there been any recent updates? If so, what? Thanks, long time user. 👌🏻
André Gonçalves
@chrismessina Sure! Our latest updates include: + Universal Shortcuts: Hold ⌘ while picking or selecting a color from Sip and it will add to the software you are working on. Works with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, Xcode, Coda, Sublime and Espresso. + We optimized general shortcuts to make it more consistent and easy to remember. + New Menu bar icon to to make your color picking faster! Select the picker directly without opening the panel.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@andre_goncalves I've got v4.2.6 installed. What's the latest version number? Is there a way to update, or do I have to buy/go through
André Gonçalves
@chrismessina not sure if you saw the announcement but we removed the app from Mac App Store. Please read this and let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@andre_goncalves ah ha, missed that! Thanks. So: "We will no longer have a free version. We will only have Sip packed with all features we have been developing for Sip Pro." and "Sip Free users, you can use Sip Free as long as you want and you do not need to upgrade to this new version. Nevertheless, for a limited period, we are offering you a 70% discount coupon." Did I miss my chance to get a coupon? :)
Sip can't have enough praise. They don't come any better than that. It's my default colorpicker app since the day the first beta was released.
Adam Farah
Like everyone else here, I'm in love with this app. The ability to switch from hex to uicolor et al has been a massive boon to my productivity.
I've been using this for quite some time now and I couldn't be happier. Really one of the best color pickers out there.
Mike Coutermarsh
Have been using Sip for years. Nice to see an update, had felt lately like it was getting a bit out of date.
David West
This is I imagine the closest thing your Mac can get to having sex. Beautifully built guys! You really should look at charging more though, it's THAT well done! Even those who have decked-in their retina screens like I recently have, can have the colour dock on the right side of the screen, away from the black pixels & still visible. I'm in LURRRVE right now. Enjoy my $10 @andre_goncalves and @ruiaureliano.
Reony T

I've been using Sip for about 4 years now, and haven't used anything else since. Being able to save all my palettes in one nice tiny menu bar app is fantastic. I love that I can easily export my palettes to practically any file format you'll ever need. $10 is WELL worth the cost!


🎨 Palettes! ☁️ Cloud sync! ➡️ Color dock! 💎 App support!


In my experience, the dock can sometimes disappear with multiple displays. Would be nice to control dock size as well for large displays.

Aaron Payne
Bought this last july and the hex #'s did not match the colors that I selected. The settings were all correct. First contact with support they made sure my color profiles were correct, which they were but still was not working, after that they did not return my emails. Pretty sad, I really wished that this would have worked for me like it seems to for others. It's also pretty sad they ignored me after the first email.
André Gonçalves
@aaron_payne we're sorry this happened. Our support is not consistent sometimes in terms of returning emails. This happens because we simply don't have a support person, and we can't afford work on sip all day... we realize this is no excuse since sip is a paid product. Since its a *very* rare bug and we can't simulate it, we simply can't fix it. The only thing we can do for you is refund you.
Gilles De Clerck  👾✌️
Incredibly clean and subtle in your app set. Pretty surprised it wasn't hunted before.
David Senate
Just testing it for 5 minutes and already loving it :)
Tom Flemming
Klein Maetschke
Been using Sip for a long while now, at the free level from the App Store. Couldn't pass up the 70% discount to finally put money toward an app that's essential to my daily workflow. Thanks for valuing your customers and enticing us long-time moochers into finally paying you! (Albeit a paltry sum.)
Wanna say this was hunted about a year or so ago. Tried it then and haven't looked for anything else since! Super useful.
Chris Jayden
Bought it in 1 minute. This is too good. Omygod.
Sam Marley
Our whole team uses this and wouldn't think of using anything else! Simple and easy to use. Great product with great makers!
Stephen Radford
I loveeeee Sip so much. We use it to share palettes on iOS projects. Pick the colours, share as a Sip palette and an Apple so we have the colours in Xcode and for designers in Sip.
Brian Pensinger
This is one of few apps that just get it right. I hope they don't change that.
Sasha-Shae W
I use this app all the time and I love it!! Can't believe it wasn't hunted already haha