Davis Baer

Pokemon or Cryptocurrency? - A fun lil' quiz to see if you can you tell the difference


With all the new tokens and ICOs these days, it can be difficult sometimes to know which is a cryptocurrency and which is a Pokemon.

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Davis Baer
Hello Product Hunt, thanks for checking out my site! After hearing the names of some new tokens and ICOs, I thought to myself, "Those could easily be the names of Pokemon". Well, that inspired me to build a fun little quiz to see if you can tell the difference :) I am not technical, so I decided to try to build it myself using Bubble - which I discovered a while back on PH: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Let me know how many you get right!
Davis Baer
@bevanbarton Haha well done!
Fabrice Thilaw
Just tried it. And I scored 9/10 ;)
Davis Baer
@thilawfab That's pretty good! Means your probably either a Pokemon or crypto expert :)

I scored 80%. Guess I should watch more Pokemon, or learn more about crypto!





Itzik Gili
Hehe.. Brilliant!! 😬
Davis Baer
@itzik_gili Thanks! :)
Jake Goss-Kuehn
90%. There should be a cryptocurrency name generator that removes the last few characters of a pokemon name it turns into a viable crypto name.
Davis Baer
@jakegosskuehn Well done :) You barely even need to remove any characters haha
Brijesh Tripathi
9/10, Terranova got me :)
Davis Baer
@brijesht 90% is pretty impressive :)
Samuel Ross Lanning
When you click NUMUS it says wrong answer, then click NUMEL it says correct answer(which is incorrect, Numel being a fire type pokemon, and NUMUS being the crypto! 100% if it weren't for the button mix up. Nice work!
Davis Baer
@slamuel Good catch! Just fixed it, thanks for letting me know. And well done on the 100% :)
Rudy Lee
This loos like a lot of fun!
Davis Baer
@rlvl Let me know how many you get right :)