Kev Quirk

Simple.css - A classless CSS framework - Make semantic HTML look great, quickly.


Simple.css is a classless CSS framework that makes semantic HTML look great, really quickly.

By classless I mean that there are no CSS classes anywhere in the CSS or the HTML. So your website can look just great using plain old vanilla HTML.

Cool, huh?

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Charles Pettis
One of those libraries where I wonder, 'really? no ones done this yet?' Bookmarked. Great job!
Kev Quirk
Kev Quirk
When starting a new project, I wanted a CSS framework that would get me up and running quickly, and give me something I could hack on. I got sick of all these giant frameworks that include everything but the kitchen sink, 90% of which I’ll never use. For example, the minified CSS for the Bootstrap framework is 144KB in total. By comparison, Simple.css is around 4KB. Obviously Simple.css and Bootstrap don’t compare in terms of their functionality, but Simple.css allows website developers to spin something up very quickly that looks good and needs very little work. So I went ahead and made a simple CSS template for my own needs, but later decided to release it in case it was useful to anyone else. Simple.css is the result. 🙂