Hey guys – I’m Dan, I’m the maker of the Dynamic Campaigns by Sigstr. I’d love your questions and feedback!
The companies with the most engaged employees win. Sigstr's Dynamic Campaigns helps HR and marketing pros engage their employees with every internal email sent (think Gmail / Outlook).
Sigstr Campaigns are added to the employee email signature. On average, each employee sends 10,000 emails / year! For emails sent externally, Sigstr already unlocks a new channel for marketing ROI. We power signatures in over 250,000 emails each day! So now we’re helping HR take control over the internal conversations – reminding workers about benefits enrollment periods, culture stories, events, or new content the sales team should be using.
Targeted, highly relevant content in every email employees send, both internally and externally. That's why we built Dynamic Campaigns.
Let us know what you think!
@danhanrahan8 We love Sigstr and have been loving using Dynamic Campaigns already! We have been using Dynamic Campaigns to target our internal audiences with specific content and blog posts we want their help promoting, while our external Sigstr Campaigns are promoting our most recent company announcement. Dynamic Campaigns gives us another avenue to boost employee engagement and turn our employees into brand advocates!
@danhanrahan8 Love Sigstr! We've already implemented a small pilot and saw great results in terms of boosting awareness and engagement with our brand. As @jaybaer mentioned, it is scary-easy to set-up and maintain. Can't wait to try the Dynamic Campaigns - our internal comms and HR teams will be ecstatic. Congrats Dan and team!
@drewbeechler Thanks, Drew! Awesome feedback and we're glad you're seeing value with Dynamic Campaigns. Educating employees on new content is a great way to use internal Campaigns. More engaged employees = happier employees. Thanks for supporting Sigstr and let us know how else we can help!
@davemorse Thank you for the kind words, Dave! We're pumped to hear that and would love to show you more around Dynamic Campaigns. Thanks for supporting Sigstr - cheers!
Hey Hunters!
Check out what my friends over at Sigstr are doing with employee email! It’s cool because it drives marketing ROI and creates a new way to rally employee engagement by adding clickable thumbnails (with beautiful, compelling graphics) to their email signature, automatically.
Here’s how much I believe in the technology:
As soon as I saw an early demo, I signed up our team at Convince and Convert and started telling our consulting clients.
I invested in the company.
It’s inexpensive. It’s scary-easy to set up. And you have a new way to send content based on the end recipient – in a distribution channel that’s been sitting right under your nose.
Great product, has served us well to promote various things at PactSafe—as well as eliminate some overhead of onboarding new employees. As a startup, it's going to be a great way to help us scale up and promote things as fast as we can think of them. Bravo, team! Congrats on the new launch.
@eprugh Thanks, Eric! Definitely appreciate your guys' partnership - we're big fans of PactSafe and love seeing you guys grow. Let us know how else we can help!
Octiv has been using Sigstr for some time now, primarily as a marketing tool. Dynamic Campaigns will allow us to use email signatures in completely new ways. It is now a tool for our HR team to communicate important benefits updates or company outings; for our engineering team to communicate product release details; for our sales enablement team to communicate new sales collateral. This is a huge step in making Sigstr an organization-wide asset, not just a marketing asset.
@uncle_doodah We couldn't have said it better ourselves :) Thanks, Jordan! You're spot on with the use cases. More content in more places ultimately leads to better engagement and education company-wide. We appreciate the support from you and the entire Octiv team - you guys rock! 🤘🏼
Please add a startup friendly option? Make it lightly branded with your logo even, would be a great growth mechanism for you guys. For seed/bootstrapped teams, would love to be able to add this but for $150 a month for less than 10 people it is hard to justify. Pa-wease?
@jcwinter Hey Justin, thanks so much for checking us out. Feel free to reach out to interact@sigstr.com if you'd like! We always love to chat to see how we can make our solution fit your team. Thanks again for the feedback - we hope to talk to you soon! 👍🏼
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