Kevin William David

Product Reviews - Concise and unbiased software product reviews

Concise and unbiased product reviews from influential founders, team leaders, and budget owners to help during the last mile of the software discovery process.

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Bryan Weis
I'm incredibly excited to share what's been a long time in the making. Since day one, we’ve taken a data-first approach to solving the software discovery problem at Siftery. This includes launching products like our Personalized Product Recommendations AI ( and our Product Alternatives finder( Now, we’re launching Product Reviews to help solve what we call the “last mile” in software discovery. Before launching, we collected more than 2,000 reviews across slightly more than 700 products. A plurality of the reviews come from founders, company leaders, influencers, and investors. Now you can add your voice as well! You can add a review or give a thank you 👏 to the most helpful ones. Reviews with the most ‘claps’ are displayed prominently across Siftery. For some more info on how reviews tie in with other features on Siftery, you can check out our Medium post here: or go directly to
Chris McLean
Could you explain what was the reason to block non-company email domains from adding reviews?
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
@christophrmite Hi Christopher. Thanks for checking this out! Company emails are - throughout Siftery - the method we use to verify identity and affiliation. We also want reviews to be Relevant and for us that includes being able to trust the messenger and understand the context (i.e. in which company is the product being used). We try to make as much of Siftery available without even signing up, but some features like using the "Advanced" Product Recommendations AI or submitting reviews do require that extra step.
Dmytro Levchenko
Looks neat. Do you support beta submissions? Is there a way to embed these reviews on a landing? It’d be killer in combination with of company-only emails.
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
@levchenkod Thanks! You can submit your product here: If it's a B2B software product it should make the cut, though without some customers and reviews it probably won't stand out yet. No real harm in starting early though! We're thinking about how to best do embeddable reviews. Hope you don't mind if we reach out to get your thoughts/feedback on that feature!
Jeffrey Gomez
@levchenkod @ggiaco Hey Gerry, I'd be interested in this as well re: embedded reviews. Feel free to email me directly:
Dmytro Levchenko
@jeffco3 @ggiaco feel free to ping me as well 🙂
Greg Hodson
Another great product from the Siftery team, keep up the great work.
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
We built Product Reviews from the ground up thinking about what would attract busy company leaders and influencers to both contribute their opinions and to find value from other reviews. This is how we arrived at the guiding values of Concision (keep it short and juicy) and Objectivity (never pay for reviews).
Melinda Byerley
how do you make money? I think that's important to understand in terms of the incentives that drive you--do you take advertising from vendors, for example?
Gerry Giacoman Colyer
@mjb_sf Thanks for the question Melinda! We don't run ads or take money from vendors. Our long-term monetization strategy is to build premium tools that help business users go from product discovery to buying and tracking their software/SaaS stack. Here's a sneak peek of what we're working on:
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This seems competitive with Product Hunt, no? (Not that that's bad, just seeking clarification)
Bryan Weis
@chrismessina Hey Chris, thanks for checking in! It likely comes as no surprise that we're huge fans of Product Hunt and this community has been very generous to us. We very much see Product Hunt as a complementary resource rather than competitive. Product Hunt’s focus has been on new products, projects, and features in both the consumer and enterprise space while we focus exclusively on the B2B software product universe. The majority of the products in our universe have been around for many years and never got to “launch” on PH; the universe overlap is fairly limited. Of course, while there's a bit of overlap now with reviews, this is a feature that was likely on the roadmap for both companies for quite some time.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@bryan_weis cool, thanks for that!
Auren Hoffman

love the UI and ease-of-use.


super easy way to review an item. great way to quickly assess a product.


does not go in-depth.

Sam Goudie
'Objective concision'. Great idea. There are so many products and services out there it's important to hear real world reviews over PR. Really lovely execution too 🙌
Nico Barawid
Love that you guys are using different skin tones to the clap emoji! #diversity
Simon Schmid
Looking great! I might take some time to leave some reviews for some products we use and love at iubenda. We've always been doing very well on Siftery as a product provider ( so I'm curious about the new review feature.
Ovi Negrean
I love how Siftery keeps building new products while also building an impressive platform for us to showcase our products!
Erik Zamudio
i always love seeing the new products that the siftery team rolls out. great work 💪
Nick Hollinger
Great work on this!
Rishabh Ravindra
Great addition to the already detailed Siftery platform. I like the bite-sized character limit as it pushes the reviewer to highlight the most imp part of the product. Would love to see in the future if companies can integrate the Siftery product reviews on their website. Keep up the great work!
Lorenzo Fiori
Cool! Didn't know that before and now I wish I discovered earlier!
Ali Usman
This is brilliant, I loved it, Just signed up and added my startup company and its amazing to see how can we simply add products we use - I am not sure if it was coincident but it automatically prompted me the specific products we use, Go... AI :) I guess it scanned the website URL to pick up Favicon etc but overall it looks great. FYI: It is super simple to submit a product
Debra Thomas
After my download is complete I'm getting an "NSIS Error" saying.. Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media. Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy. More information at: Can you help Bryan?
Heri Laural
I think you done a wonderful job by creating this unique project I need this feature for my new welder reviews website you can see here.