Varun Nair

Get Leads - Curated directory of 100+ websites to get freelance work.

Curated directory over 250,000+ leads across 100+ websites bookmarked for freelancer.

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Varun Nair
Hello all - I am Varun from Sieve. I am a recent graduate who is figuring out how to be a growth hacker and I just joined Sieve in their growth team. We are excited to launch our directory of 100+ websites to get freelance work. None of them are affiliate link, we are just trying to build a quality list where people can just hop on and get work. I am sure there are many other awesome sites, please ping me to add them to list. Iโ€™ll be upfront that I am trying to drive traffic to our core offering Sieve ( but I figured out that one of the best way to do so it to provide real value to our potential customers. When we launched Sieve a few weeks ago many freelancers asked for leads, so I set out on a mission to put together all places on the internet to get work (even our competitors). Inspired by marketing stack and startup stash, (Thanks @bentossell ) In the past couple of weeks Iโ€™ve spent a great deal of time putting together the list, verifying them, creating accounts and trying it out myself whenever possible, and co-ordinating with our engineering and design folks to get this up and running, Itโ€™s a very small endeavour, but helped me learn a great deal about managing the overall cycle to get things done, hope you find this valuable. Here we go! 250000+ potential leads waiting for find you, just one click away!
Varun Nair
@angeloe Thank you. I hope you found our leads stack helpful ? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Lachlan Kirkwood
@iamvarunnair As a Digital Marketer who often looks for freelance work, I think this is such a valuable resource! Love the genuine value you're providing to the community - a great way to scale inbound traffic.
Varun Nair
@lachlankirkwood Sounds awesome that it helps you a lot, and also if I missed out any valuable websites for digital marketing, let me know :)
Peter J. Davison
You don't have upwork on there?
Varun Nair
@ourmaninto Yes we do have, 1st column 3rd last .
Peter J. Davison
@iamvarunnair Hey Varun - cool .. should've looked closer. I also should've started with nice to see this out in the marketplace! I think its a great step to have all of this under one roof. Cheers, Peter
Varun Nair
@ourmaninto , hehe! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ . Its ok peter. I hope it was helpful. And thank you for your appreciation. it helps me build more products !
Vlad Korobov
@iamvarunnair what are your top 3 places?
Varun Nair
Hey, @vladkorobov I am afraid we donโ€™t have that yet ๐Ÿ˜ฌ , we thought of it more like a curated list, but we are not grading them. But yeah, Iโ€™d be keenly exploring ways to grade them based on some criteria.
Gabriel Theodoropoulos
Really valuable and helpful links! Good job @iamvarunnair ๐Ÿ‘
Varun Nair
@gabriel_theodoropoulos Thank you so much, this appreciation means a lot to me.
Edward Tay
first of all kudos and good effort on curating the list but a quick look at the marketing jobs section...and I still find and superior
Varun Nair
Hey @iamedwardtay, thank you. I will surely consider to add marketing jobs section too. Also each website has its own uniqueness if iam not wrong. ;)
Ash Sach
Are you Sieve or Get Leads?
Varun Nair
@ash_sach I am Sieve, Get Leads is a directory of leads for the freelancer to draw traffic into our website (
Alex Sharp
Interesting. A couple questions: 1. How do you guys make money? 2. The leads page has more categories than sieve (photography, for example). Is this most just SEO hacking or are there plans to add non-tech stuff to sieve? 3. Is the product useable in pieces? E.g. If i want to use it for leads and not for website, project management, etc, is that possible?
Varun Nair
Hi @ajsharp , Sorry for late response. Let me explain one by one : 1. Nope, we are not. Our purpose for this directory is to draw traffic to our initial product called Sieve ( which is paid freelancer workflow management tool. 2. Yes, we are going to include non-tech stuff to our platform. 3. Yup, it's possible. Like i mentioned earlier in previous few comments that, its a curated directory of leads for freelance work. It will be included in our website footer such that you can access anytime.๐Ÿ˜‰
Arman Vardanyan
Very interesting project guys!
Anthony Miller
@iamvarunnair Just a heads up your SSL cert expired on July 1st.