Eithiriel DeMerè

Shredr.co - Beautiful glitch art wallpapers for your iPhone


Shredr.co is a place where you can explore contemporary digital culture through exclusive wallpaper collections

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Max Sobkowski
Hello everyone! My name’s Max, I am Creative Director at Surf and creator of Shredr. Shredr is glitch art influenced mobile wallpapers gallery. It helps you to change boring smartphone wallpapers to beautiful pieces of contemporary art. Use Shredr from desktop or from your mobile device, listen to our music mixes to explore glitch culture and we got some crazy apparel coming soon. You can ask me any questions related to this art-project.
Cameron Rohani
@sbkwsk neat content, and thanks for the new wallpaper đŸ™‚. Looking forward to the apparel.
Max Sobkowski
@cameronrohani thanks a lot! We're working hard to make it happen ;)
Cameron Rohani
@sbkwsk I can't imagine printing any of these patterns on apparel to be easy, what type of printing are you planning on doing?
Max Sobkowski
@cameronrohani that's why we aren't shipping any yet. There are few ways to do printing and we are working out which will be better for us.
Ben Tossell
These are pretty funky! Visiting the site on my phone and clicking the PH one (obv), but having trouble downloading/saving the image
Max Sobkowski
@bentossell Hey Ben! You just scroll through the website till you'll see the picture you like. Then click on it and then click download on the showed up modal window.
Ben Tossell
@sbkwsk I did that but this is what I saw... then I click download and this shows up...
Max Sobkowski
@bentossell wow, that's not the image you should get. Our fault. Already fixing
Max Sobkowski
@bentossell Here you go, fully functional now http://shredr.co/w/502 :)
Eithiriel DeMerè
Using Shredr you can choose and download glitch art wallpapers from the desktop or right from your phone. There's also glitch music playlists section. (I realized this isn't apparent: click on an image to download the wallpaper.)
Would love this for android, OMG I think I'm in Love...
Max Sobkowski
@analogwired for now this is web-app that works for android, ios, win 10 or whatever device that can open web-sites and save photos ;) Our artworks are also square-sized, that means you can use it on any device in any orientation. Cheers!
Chief Mechanic
Like it
Max Sobkowski
@jm0rr1s Thanks, stay tuned for upcoming music mix and new wallpaper collection
Umar Irshad
Love this! Will definitely try it out!
Max Sobkowski
@umarirshad Thanks a lot, we appreciate it. New update is around the corner.
Nosherwan Arbab
After some long time i got to see quality creative thing in wallpaper category, thanks for new wallpapers.
Max Sobkowski
@nosherwanarbab Thank you very much, we're trying to do our best. Stay tuned for updates.
Any way to get some of these submitted? https://instagram.com/zouassi
Max Sobkowski
@wthrby Hey! Tank you for the comment, what do you exactly mean by get submitted? Zouassi is an interesting artist, we will glad to do maybe some featured collections with him, we also got some submit mechanism in mind, but it's still far away from release.
Yes! This is my favorite art style :P
Max Sobkowski
@joshtodd thanks for the feedback Josh. We love it too :)