Christian Petroske

Product Hunt for Alexa — Hear the top 5 products of the day, every day

No time to check PH? No problem! Say "Alexa, open Product Hunt" and she'll tell you the top 5 Products of the Day, every day. Made in 5 minutes with Shoutworks, the one-click Alexa skill creator.

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Christian Petroske
I'm on Product Hunt too much, so in an effort to make my time scrolling through all these products, well, productive (ha)... I decided to make this Alexa skill. Alexa skills are an underutilized (and therefore high-ROI) marketing channel. Here's why you should consider adding Amazon Alexa to your marketing mix: - It's easier to reach people in those in-between moments, like washing dishes or doing laundry. Easier to say "Hey Alexa" than pick up a screen to look for a podcast. - Now over 1/3 of US adults own a smart speaker, and Amazon has 70% of the smart speaker market. These devices are everywhere! - Amazon is the world's largest product search engine. With an Alexa skill you show up in Amazon search more easily on certain keywords, with way less competition than on Google. - You can automate it away with Shoutworks, no extra work needed beyond a few minutes of setup. Dozens of entrepreneurs have started to use this channel to accelerate growth, and it's just the beginning. So, yes, I made this Alexa skill to get you to check out my company. It is just one example of the awesome things you can make with Shoutworks :) Hope you'll give it a try and see for yourself!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@christian_petroske1 did you get approval to use Product Hunt in your skill, or are skill names no longer unique?
Christian Petroske
@chrismessina Didn't ask them, but if they want it I'm happy to hand over the keys!
Christian Petroske
@chrismessina Neither skill names nor invocation names are unique on Alexa - they are on Google Home I believe!
Nikos Melachrinos
Neat idea! And the whole concept behind Shoutworks is great. Good luck :)
Christian Petroske
@nikosmela Thanks Nikos! :D
Euan Cameron
Love this idea! Voice is the future and this makes it more accessible 👍🏼
Paul Allen
Perfect. The clock now starts with "Alexa, open Product Hunt". I've got until the time it finishes to shower, get dressed and get to my desk (kitchen table).
Christian Petroske
@mg1pa1 haha exactly!
So this is English only. Any chance to get support also for other languages?
Christian Petroske
@berot3 good question, I'm looking into this!