Kevin William David

Shop'fy Stash - Curated list of tools to help build your Shopify Business

Shop'fy Stash is a curated directory of resources and tools to help you build your Shopify website. Our website includes 193 products listed in 39 categories, like for example: Referral/loyalty Program, Productivity, Influencers, Promocode and SEO.

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Louise Columelli
Shop’fy Stash is a curated directory of resources and tools to help you build your Shopify website. Shopify is an amazing tool to help you build your online business. It has now reached 500k active users this year. A part of this success is undoubtedly linked with the great ecosystem built around Shopify. In fact, Shopify App Store lists more than 2000 apps, from famous service connectors to completely native apps. And finding what you need on Shopify App Store can often be a little bit tricky. That is why we have been working for about 4 months on this product to help Shopify owners find the right app for their problems. Our website includes 193 products listed in 39 categories, like for example: Referral/loyalty Program, Productivity, Influencers, Promocode and SEO. Each app can belong to multiple categories. We added some analytics on the comments left on the Shopify App Store to help the user choose more wisely their app : We added the average grade of the comments including the words « customer support », «  easy to use » or « useful ». The tool is definitely still a work in progress so we would love to hear your thoughts on it ! Thank you for reading this and thank you @kwdinc for hunting us ! Louise, Vincent and Pierre-François
@louise_colu Great idea. I've just submitted my app. What are the parameters that you consider to accept or not an app?
Louise Columelli
Thanks @angelo_ia! We've just received your suggestion for Describe. Great app! First we have been working with the Shopify Ecosystem for quite a long time and during which we have collected the best tools we have found along the way. The process for an app to be accepted is the following : we first deep dive into the reviews you already have on the Shopify Appstore making specific analytics on the comments speaking of the customer support or on the ease of use of your product, when we have these analytics we ourselves try the app and try to get some personal insights from people that have been using it for some times. Then if we like the app we push it on our website trying to fit it inside the most relevant categories. Note : We like to see our website as a toolbox of apps that can be continuously challenged and reviewed by our users. We try to have a review system more complete than the one we can find on the Shopify Appstore.
Franco Varriano
@louise_colu @pf_lucet @vincent_monet - Great work guys! This is a great idea and sure to be super helpful! Keep up the great work!
Louise Columelli
@francovarriano Thank you for your kind words !
Joshua Dance
@kwdinc @louise_colu Is dropping the i a trademark thing?
Victor Challier
Awesome!! Nice product, the design makes it easy to use and anyone can get value out of it in no time. Looks like you found some inspiration with Startup Stash, hope you'll have as many upvotes ;) I have two questions: A few of the selected apps don't have any reviews yet (NetHunt for example). Did you choose them based on your own experience on Shopify? Do you plan to develop a shopify community where users could share tips and tricks and improve your current product? I see people can suggest their app directly to you through a form, but it would also be cool to hear people explain why they like some app and why it should be included in Shop'fy Stash. Maybe people could submit their app via twitter, so everyone can discuss their experience with it in a lively manner? It doesn't have any building cost and could be a good way to test your user engagement. Nice job, keep it up!
Louise Columelli
Thank you @victor_challier1 for your amazing feedback we really appreciate it ! - Yes indeed we took our inspiration and motivation from Startup Stash, thank you @bramk we are big fans of yours - For Nethunt there is no comment because it is not on the Shopify App Store but is still a useful tool for CRM. In general most of the app that don’t have any comment are the ones that aren’t on the App Store. We will definitely add a "not on appstore" tag until we find a way to have more reviews on each app - We would love to be among an active Shopify community that help us improve our tool. We are already on twitter (@shopifystash) and people can suggest their app via mail or twitter if they like it. It’s a good idea we will keep it in mind ! Thanks :)
Даниел Димов
Looks great and useful. What about the category of "Mobile Apps". Would be so happy to see my product @mobidonia ( there.
Louise Columelli
Hey @dimovdaniel ! Of course, thank you for your suggestion, you can submit your app directly through the website and we will revieew it and let you know by mail when the review is done !
Shikeb Ali
Brilliant ! i think its going to help a lot a people. I'm run a small shopify store and I just found out some apps that I haven't heard of before. Excellent and thanks. Pssst.. @louise_colu .. Place some validation on App Submit form. I just submitted an empty form :)
Vincent Monet
@louise_colu @shikeb thanks Shikeb :) And nice feedback, we will fix that!
David Feng
@vincent_monet loving the Shopify focus. Our app is also integrated deeply with Shopify with over 1000 stores using us. How do I get us listed? See
Louise Columelli
Hey @davidsfeng ! You can submit your app directly through the website and we will let you know when we have reviewed it ! Thank you for your kind words and suggestion !