Joel Monegro

Shippo Package Tracking API - One API to track packages across multiple shipping carriers


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Laura Behrens Wu
Hi PH! I’m Laura, founder of Shippo. We’ve been working with businesses over the last two years providing them instant access to multiple shipping carriers through one API, we’re really excited to be launching our second product today! Thanks for checking us out! We built this new Tracking API because we’ve noticed this swing in companies who are looking to use shipping information as a customer satisfaction tool. Customers want to stay updated about the whereabouts of their packages! The API was built to make that data as easily accessible as possible - meaning no signup required and free to access. Hope you guys like it! Would be happy to answer any questions here or at
Spencer Norman
This looks like exactly what we need. We've been using a combination of AfterShip and a variety of 3rd party package/mailing apps (Shipstation, Endecia, Shiprush, etc) and haven't loved any of them. I'd heard of Shippo previously, but the webhook support for tracking really sweetens the deal. Our team will be strongly considering Shippo.
Shan Lian
Top Product
@spencernorman Thanks, excited to hear that! Please let us know if you need any sort of support.
Laura Behrens Wu
@spencernorman Feel free to email me directly if you have any questions! I'm at
Joshua Brueckner
Any plans to add this to Zapier or IFTTT for us non-developers? :)
Shan Lian
Top Product
@jabrueckner Actually! There's currently a If Shippo Then That app built to connect the API to IFTTT.
Ben Rahnema
We've been using Shippo for the past few months at Sell It Easy and the entire Shippo team has just been awesome to work with. Definitely excited to give this a try soon as I know our customers would love it.
Shan Lian
Top Product
@brahnema Thanks Ben! You guys are the best :)
Laura Behrens Wu
@brahnema Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it :)
Brian Curliss
YES! So excited to finally see the API :D
Tom Price
Looks neat, might get around to building the tracking app for my Pebble I've been wanting to make for a while now. (this simplifies things a lot) For those of you without a tracking number to hand here's the output (pretty-printed) that corresponds to a recent package I received:
Sharoon Thomas
Fulfil.IO uses shippo and the shippo team has been a pleasure to work with. The package tracking API is awesome and we will definitely be using it.
Taylor Hou
so tell us, when is the acquisition being announced? =p @laurabehrenswu @goshippo - absolutely love the simplicity of the API.
Laura Behrens Wu
@taylorhou @goshippo hahahaha no acquisition anytime soon, there is still A LOT to conquer in the shipping space :D Glad you like it!
Benjamin Sehl
I've been using Shippo for ~8 months now. Love the product. Fantastic design and great integrations — makes life much easier. Easily the best UI of any competitors, which is pretty key when you're spending a lot of time fulfilling orders. Looking forward to automating most of the process through their API though! Keep up the great work guys!