Hello hunters!
We are excited to launch Shippn, a marketplace for all you shopping addicts! :)
Co-founder here. We created Shippn because we thought shopping online from any country shouldn't be that hard in our time. With Shippn, you can shop for anything from any country like a local person, using Shippn host's address.
We are very picky about choosing our hosts and our main focus is delivering your item to your address in the most secure way.
Let us know if you have any questions.
We hope you like it and we can't wait to hear your feedback.
@onurkoyuncu Hello Onur, Thank you for your question, Shippn offers two options for its customers, either the customer handles the customs by themselves or Shippn handles the customs on the customer's behalf and we always recommend our customers to declare the correct value of their items.
Great idea, the concept should be enforced with A) social verification (will not forward someone's package that has 25 fb friends and a weird profile photo) B) Option for forwarders to only accept packages from reputable online shops
@aminadavg Hello Aminadav, we are aware of this bug and will fix ass soon as possible. You can signup using your facebook account or your email address. Thank you for your patience!
@aminadavg Hi Aminadav, we fixed that problem. Now you should be able to use your google account to sign in. Again, thank you so much for your contribution!
Hi Shippn!
Here's a quick brain dump on some issues you are probably already aware of and will most likely run into.
Have you put much thought into how credit card companies deal with shipping to addresses that aren't the oners? It is used for fraud prevention. You'll need some good tools for detecting folks using stolen credit and do everything you can to keep them from using your services to stay out of trouble. Tax collection is also an issue.
Have you looked at how to minimize tax duplication for your users? I did a quick test to see what your pricing was and since it is based on package size I'm not sure most folks will have that info when trying to guess what package size the online buyer is sending them. You may want to go with a membership plus actual postage fee to encourage frequent loyal usage and just combine packages if they order frequently and pass the savings on to them.
Lastly you'll want to find reputable folks to be a 3rd party shipper. They need to have business locations where neighbors won't be annoyed with a million delivery trucks coming by each day, and that the packages aren't likely to be stolen. I would definitely choose providers near shipping UPS, FedEx and DHL hubs to save on costs and time. Be sure to get the all the shippers legal documentation since they are likely to have to deal with a lot of tax and shipping forms - especially for lost or damaged packaging. Hopefully you have a pricing model that will allow you to minimize scammers while rewarding ontime shippers. Look up the history on MailBox Etc on how they franchised before getting bought out by UPS (it is a similar kind of story like how PayPal and e-Bay evolved).
If you do this startup well I wouldn't be surprised to see you get bought out by a shipping logistics firm. Lastly change the company holding name from Legrin to Shippn to make things easier later and give more transparency about who you are since you are asking folks to put a lot of trust in you to deliver. Invest in good customer service (Zappos level).
Great service idea & best of luck!
love the idea, there are some good options for this kind of thing already available. Just a small question..what prevents me from using a host and then having the host go through my stuff? What kind of assurance / insurance is there that guarantees I will receive what I bought?
@chezacke Hello Chez, thank you for your question.
We are very strict when it comes to selecting hosts and all hosts go through a verification process before getting listed as a host on Shippn. We only approved %5 of the host applications.
Looks cool and useful if you live in a third world country or shopping from a shop that doesn't have international shipping. I just use it and buy a sneaker from germany. Lets see how it will going. I will update here :)
As i promised... I just got my first package. The shippn took care of the customs as I chose. @mrcalexandre is very helpful btw. Thanks guys. See you an other time :)
Great idea! It would make sense to have a "ship now" landing page that lets you define what to ship and who to ship it to, fill in all details and then on "Next" you have to create an account. Also, we have a pretty large office in Stockholm where we already handle logistics, thought about a solution for businesses?
I'm assuming the idea here is that you put these people's US address in the ship-to fields so a retailer that doesn't ship international has somewhere to ship it to. But I'm curious how people actually pay for the items they buy if they don't have a US issued Credit card or US based paypal account? I don't think a retailer that only ships domestically would accept an international payment method. I realize people can buy from any country, but assuming US is the example. How does that work?
@njdevilsfan85 Hello Andrew, thanks to global credit card companies, most of the credit cards are able to pay in other countries. But for the ones that has the problem you mentioned, we are going to lunch purchase assistance service for our hosts. Thank you for your feedback.
Ahh, this is awesome! I recently signed up for Sprint and saved about $200+ in taxes and fees by renting an address in Portland, OR (0% sales tax) vs Houston, TX (~8.25%) and just paid $17 for the express shipping back to me. I will certainly give this a try when I see an Portland address listed. :)
This is a great idea! I hope you are launching in Australia - I constantly have friends there who are looking for products you can either only get in the US, or are lot cheaper here.
@donnamkennett Thank you so much! We know there is a high demand in Australia. We have some happy customers in there and very happy to make thing possible and easier for them. 🙂
@nazimahat, this is a great idea! Honestly, I had to do a double-take on the title of this launch, haha. Why would I buy something from a country that doesn't ship to me? Then I answered my own question! Congrats :)
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