Ship your startup in days, not weeks
Marc Lou
ShipFast β€” Ship your startup in days, not weeks
The NextJS boilerplate with all the stuff you need to get your product in front of customers. From idea to production in 5 minutes.
Marc Lou
Hey Hunters πŸ‘‹ I built 16 startups in the last 2 years and realized I was doing the same thing over & over: - setup Stripe - add DNS records for Mailgun - apply for Google Oauth - add SEO tags - and 12 more hours of boring boilerplate I built ShipFast to make it easy like npm install. Would love to know your thoughts :) Marc
Ken Savage
@marclou congratulations and thank you for making Shipfast. I always thought boiler plates were more work than they were saving, but this seems very easy to get up and running.
Juan Herrera
Hey Marc! Congratulations on the launch πŸš€ What video tool did you use for the Demo you posted on the Website? It's really crisp! :)
Marc Lou
@jdjuan Thanks Juan, it's screen.studio
I wish there was something like this for python
Jacky Pan
Congrats on launching your NextJS boilerplate! Looks like you've got everything covered to get started and move into production quickly.
Franyer Verjel
ShipFast is really useful. In fact, I was checking it out a couple of days ago, before I came across your launch. I got there from your indiepa.ge profile. Congrats on your launch!
Julio Medina
This is great! Thanks for putting it together.
Maria Golikova
Launching soon!
Congrats on the launch @marclou! πŸŽ‰ As someone itching to start new ventures all the time but finds it difficult to take the plunge due to all the overhead, it's great to see a product that simplifies the tech side.
Cyrus Zei
Everything that makes you productive is a good tool. Good luck Marc
Marc Lou
@cyrus_zei Thanks Cyrus!
Dan Mindru
probably one of the most powerful things you can "npm install" that I've seen πŸ‘€
Cameron Blackwood
Excited to check this one out Marc, great work!
Marc Lou
@camblackwood95 Thanks Cam!
Oliver Riechert
Congratulations on the launchπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Can't wait to feature your SaaS boilerplate on boilerplatelist.com!
Marc Lou
@oliverriechert that'd be awesome! Thanks Oliver
Karim M.
Marc Lou strikes again! Big fan of your work
Marc Lou
@karim_morta Really appreciate it Karim, thanks!
Samuel Bodin
Amazing! After integrating Stripe I wish I had some boilerplate for this πŸ₯΅ any plan on integrating alternative, like Resend for mailing or Postgres for DB?
Marc Lou
@samdotb Stripe webhooks are a piece of work for the first time πŸ˜… I might add more DB providers yep!
Sergej GoriΕ‘ek
Awesome πŸ‘ Congratulations on the launch πŸš€
Katt Risen
Would love to learn more about your collection of sunglasses. Congrats Marc, good solution to go fast
Marc Lou
@kattrisen haha thanks Katt. Finally found a use for the transparent glasses
Fox Chen
That's amazing! This NextJS boilerplate has everything you need for a quick and easy start. You'll be able to get your product in front of customers within minutes with this solution.
Igor Zimnitskiy
Congrats, good idea. Few ideas: 1). Payment - Add Paddle support 2). Database - It will be great to have different providers, like MySQL or Postgres 3). Luck of documentation - It will be great if you create a Doc (for free) where all things will be described.
Marc Lou
@ioz Good point, will think about it. Thanks Igor!
Brian Kang
@ioz @marclou agree, documentation that's live somewhere without having to run locally would be super helpful.
Martin Donadieu
You should create a video agency for solo makers dude, your video rox
Marc Lou
@martin_donadieu Haha thanks my friend, CSI Bali incoming!
Morgan Pelissier
The best of the best ❀️
Marc Lou
@morganpel coming to you in 48h 😘
big fan of your launches I do not use Nextjs, but i got the access anyway I'll take a look, and then I might ask for a refund. 🀭 Edit: I didn't ask for a refund in the end.