Nico Botha

Ship SaaS - Premium Next.js and Supabase SaaS starter kit

This starter kit includes all the integrations you need to build a SaaS app fast! You'll have a complete app with landing page, login, registration, and billing functionality ready in under a week. It's the easiest way to get started with Next.js and Supabase.

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Kyle Gawley
Congrats on the launch! Why is the product so cheap? How do you plan to maintain and support it at such a low price point?
Simon Barker
@kylegawley I wondered the same thing initially, while this looks great I think it’s a light wrapper on SupaBase rather than a full ground up SaaS system like yours. Bit to take anything away from the maker of this but I’m not sure it’s as hefty as similar looking offerings
Nico Botha
Thanks Kyle! This is my first product launch and I guess I undervalued my work 😳 really appreciate the feedback! I will definitely rethink the pricing💪
Nico Botha
@simon_barker1, I disagree that it’s a wrapper around Supabase. Next.js is quite powerful and you can definitely build a full blown SaaS with it. But I appreciate the feedback Simon💪🏼😁 will focus on explaining the possibilities and value proposition better on my landing page.
Nico Botha
Hey PH! Over the past 2 years I built (and mostly failed) a couple of SaaS projects. I really like to create cool side projects, but I end up having to write a lot of boilerplate code each time I start a new project - every project requires authentication, login, registration, billing etc. Sometimes I lost interest in a project before all this was even set up😬 So I decided to create a SaaS starter kit with Next.js and Supabase. This starter kit consists of a fully customizable Next.js project with: - Authentication powered by Supabase - Data storage (PostgreSQL) powered by Supabase - A Stripe integration - Typescript already set up - Great landing page example with Tailwindcss - A statically generated, markdown powered blogging system - Great SEO This kit makes it easier to get started with the actual project and frees up time to do other tasks like talking to potential customers. You can check it out at and let me know what you think 😃🚀
Simon Barker
Congratulations on the launch, am I right in thinking this could be more considered a SupaBase + billing + templates rather than a complete stand alone thing? Not to detract from the awesome work just trying to establish why it’s a tenth the price of the next cheapest similar thing?
Nico Botha
See my comment above😊 will definitely rethink pricing in the future!
Simon Barker
@nwbotha great! The price you charge is as much an indicator of how good the product is as it’s feature list etc
Nico Botha
@simon_barker1, a lesson well learned 😎💪
Volkan Kaya
Interesting idea. Similar to @kylegawley I wonder why it is so cheap? Also I would do a lot more work on the landing page. At the moment I have 0 trust in the product.
Nico Botha
Cool, thanks for the feedback Volkan! Improving the landing page and rethinking pricing are my main priorities going forward 😀
Alexey Shashkov
Cool! It would be cool if there was a similar starter kit just for no-code SaaS building.
Nico Botha
@shashcoffe Yeah it would be cool, but unfortunately building a no-code SaaS is platform dependent. I'm not that familiar with many no-code tools, but I'd imagine you can't build a single SaaS starter kit that can be used on both Bubble and Webflow for instance. If it's possible it would be pretty cool though 😃
The available features and pages are a good boilerplate for a startup or indie project. Congrats on the launch 🚀
Nico Botha
Thanks Hieu💪😊
Razvan Statescu
Is it useful? Hell yes, I've just spent one week to build that myself. You should think about the pricing, probably it's too low right now. Also, improve the design of the landing page / demo. Good luck! 🚀
Nico Botha
Awesome! Yeah, both of those are on my list to improve in the coming weeks! Really appreciate the feedback 💪😀
Owen L
Awesome! Congratulations to the launch! How do I integrate this with Cloud services such as AWS? Or I don't really even need that.
Nico Botha
Thanks Owen! You can host it for free on Vercel ( It’s incredibly easy to get started (in my opinion 😉) But it’s definitely possible to host it on AWS - check out this blog post to host it on AWS Amplify 👉
Jack Gisel
Congrats on this launch! I am about to start a sass and wanted to use Supabase! Thanks now I can use this to make it easier. I'll keep in touch and maybe I can be used a testimonial
Nico Botha
@jackgisel1 Awesome, looking forward to see what you build Jack 😎💪 I'll keep in touch!
Congrats with the launch Nico! This is actually what I am currently working on too (not SaaS, but trying to implement NextJS, Stripe and Supabase). Does your product have stripe Webhook integrations? If so, which ones? Also on the demo page, I could not proceed to the payment. EDIT: Figured out and purchased the product! It's a big help, thanks! 👍
Nico Botha
@edgarascom 💪😎🚀
Bertha Kgokong
I have no doubt this is a great product, congratulations with the launch and all the best.
Nico Botha
Thanks, much appreciated 🙏
Tommi Urtti
Godspeed and congrats!
Nico Botha
Thanks Tommi, much appreciated 💪
congrats on launching!
Nico Botha
@menjilx Thanks Menj 🙏🏼😃
Brian K
This could be useful! Nice creation.
Nico Botha
@brian_ko Thanks Brian 😎💪
Thamsanqa Bengu
Looking forward to trying this out
Nico Botha
@thamsanqa_bengu Awesome! Let me know what you think :)
Linda MacDonald
awesome tech stack :)
M. Seçkin Bedük
Great app great business Nico, gongratz!