Dylan Marriott

Sherpa - Instagram’s best photos as a travel guide


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Ryan Hoover
I know people (@suzywillow being one) that use Instagram to get a feel for what a place is like. Being community-created, it feels more authentic and WYSYG than the manicured photo galleries on official websites. Nice work, @paul_aaron and team. 👍🏼 Separately, this app represents a possible unbundling of Instagram.
Paul Aaron
@rrhoover @suzywillow Thanks Ryan!
Suzy Ryoo
@paul_aaron getting this for Helsinki, will use tomorrow!!!!
Jordan Hosmer
@rrhoover @suzywillow @paul_aaron Go where the people are!!! (conveniently works for both Product/Audience and Travel)
Nice. Will there be an Android app?
Paul Aaron
@_alexfi there are a few additional features we are planning to add for iOS, and once those are in and working the way we hope them to, the next step will be to cross platform for Android. I can't say exactly when, but hopefully soon, so stay tuned.
Paul Aaron
@_alexfi good idea!
Raphaël Chabaud
@paul_aaron @_alexfi You guys should let people drop their email for Androidon your website, that's a missed opportunity !
Bruno Nascimento
Brilliant idea and great execution. I love how there's already content everywhere. I actually use Instagram as a travel guide plenty of times, but it's hard to sift through hundreds of selfies to find the one picture that best captures a place. How will you prevent Sherpa from becoming a selfie-infested place (as far as curation goes)? Also, what's the meaning of the name?
Paul Aaron
@nscmnto hi Bruno! The name just sounded catchy to us. I suppose there is a bit of implied meaning, whereby everyone who signs up and creates a profile is helping others travel through their pictures - similar to how a Sherpa helps you reach your destination in a climb. Regarding the Selfie problem, we have done quite a bit of work from an algorithm standpoint to boost the very best content to the top (stuff that is specific to travel, versus selfies). Of course, it's not perfect, but something we will continue to work on as more people sign up.
Bruno Nascimento
@paul_aaron definitely, and I think that creating that community from the beginning will help with the high quality content. I searched for some cities immediately after signing up and was really impressed with the content - good job with the algorithm!
Sergei Baloian
Good idea! How will the monetization go?
Paul Aaron
@the_baloyan hi there - I'm one of the co-founders and CEO of Sherpa. Right now we are focusing on travel inspiration and discovery, but as the platform evolves we will allow users to discover, compare and book trending hotels, or connect with tour providers - all based on the places our community geotags.
Sergei Baloian
@paul_aaron Got you, cool! Do you have any statistics - how many users downloaded the app? Retention rate?
Peyton Hayslette
Nice! Glad to see a more robust discovery platform for Insta.
Stefan Wirth
Great job, very clean design and nice to see all my uifaces friends in the screenshots 😜
Paul Aaron
@nafetswirth thanks Stefan! Glad you like it!
I was so upset when Instagram took the map view away. This brings that back, with so much more! Thank you for making this 🙏
Alireza Behrooz
I'm excited to try it out, but I cannot login. Even though I provide a valid email, I get this error: {"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Client Disabled"}
Yuri Zadorozhny
Is this app still alive ?
Taha Maddam, CFA
Nice Work, I have done something similar but on larger scale https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Eddie DaRoza
Love this idea. Where u guys based?
Paul Aaron
@eddiedaroza Hi Eddy, we are based on Brooklyn.
Martin Refsal
Nice work @paul_aaron. Gorgeous app.
Paul Aaron
@cmybacon thanks Martin!
Jon Perrier
Great app, and execution. It's really fun to imagine all the places I could go!
Paul Aaron
@jon_perrier thank you, glad you like it!
Joe Corr
Nice and simple and well made.
Michelle Grant
Good idea!
Kirsten Alana  ✈️
Looks clean, nice idea but freezes constantly for me. And I would love to see the option to edit a profile.
Paul Aaron
@kirstenalana can you make sure you have the very latest in the app store? I believe you were on the beta version, and it might still be on your phone. Those freezing issues should be fixed now. Also, you can edit your own profile via the menu (three dots in the top right). Does that answer your question?
Kirsten Alana  ✈️
@paul_aaron Sorry I forgot to reply here, Paul! Thanks for the continued improvements. Looking forward to seeing where you take the app.
Julian Lehr
Love it! 😍 One of the most exciting new products I've discovered on PH this year! 1) Are you curating all of the content manually? 2) I'd love to filter results (hotel/airbnb; food, photo opportunities, etc) 3) Android version please :) 🙏
Shaz Sedighzadeh
Love this! Very helpful, and fun to just look through even with no agenda... But yes, Android please :)
Nick Zieber
Sherpa is amazing - but the pics don't always load clearly which is a big issue considering photos are the main draw.
Margot Mazur
Downloaded! This is going to be amazing for my upcoming Remote Year adventure. Love the sleek design and community feel.