Zainul Ariffin

SheetsDB - Transform Google Sheets into instant, free JSON APIs

SheetsDB provides a simple API that turns Google Sheets into JSON data. No account linking required - just call the API with your sheet URL and get JSON back. Free, fast, and easy to integrate.

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Zainul Ariffin
Hey Product Hunters 👋! I'm Zainul, the creator of SheetsDB. I'm excited to introduce this tool that simplifies working with Google Sheets data for developers. SheetsDB was born from a common frustration: the need for a quick, hassle-free way to access Google Sheets data in applications. Many existing solutions require complex setup, account linking, or cost a lot. I wanted something simpler and free. Here's how SheetsDB works: - Log in to SheetsDB with your Google account - Create API tokens for authentication - Use these tokens in your API calls along with your sheet URL - Get back a JSON representation of your sheet data SheetsDB is the perfect solution for applications that need to read data from Google Sheets while allowing non-technical team members to update the data. It's ideal for companies already using Google Sheets to store their data, bridging the gap between familiar spreadsheets and modern APIs. Key benefits of SheetsDB: - Simplicity: Easy setup and straightforward API calls - Free to use: No cost barrier for projects of any size - Secure: Authentication via Google account and API tokens - Flexibility: Works with any Google Sheet you have access to - Non-technical friendly: Leverage existing sheets or allow easy updates by non-developers I'd love to hear your thoughts! How could this simplify your development process? What features would make SheetsDB even more useful for you? I'll be here to answer questions and gather feedback. Let's discuss how we can make working with Google Sheets data even easier for developers and businesses!
Zainul Ariffin
@kkk_ddd writing is a little more complicated with a simple approach like this as I would need permissions. Possible to find a simple workaround by maybe adding me to the google sheets with write access instead. Ill continue to look into this :) Most importantly it has to be a simple approach where users can easily get started instead
Zainul Ariffin
@io_kl Thank you very much for the kind words! could u explain what do u mean by data sync? right now any updates done on google sheets will be pulled by the api request. do u mean a possible webhooks trigger support or maybe a socket connection?
Zainul Ariffin
@qwz_hji Thank you for the kind words! What do u mean by realtime data updates? webhook triggers?
Nabil Ridhwan
Awesome! There's an actual use case for this product, especially in companies where they base their CRMs in Google Sheets. I'm excited to see where SheetsDB goes in the future.
Zainul Ariffin
@nabil_ridhwan thanks alot! Actually that was the exact frustration I had before developing this. Hope you like the product :)
Anirudh Madhavan
The user-friendliness and smooth integration are impressive. Nonetheless, the software may be improved in one area by offering enhanced possibilities for data visualization from within the interface. Integrated graphs and charts to go along with the data management tools would be fantastic. What is the speed and performance of SheetsDB while handling huge datasets?
Chandula Perera
Interesting! I can see many use cases! Are you planning on adding a landing page? that would help a lot for users, maybe with a demo.
Zainul Ariffin
@chandula agreed and thanks for the feedback! Theres alot of things I have yet to do but I wanted to launch to gain feedback and to validate my 2 day hackathon product with the community here :)
Interesting, I can use this for some of my projects. Thanks!
Zainul Ariffin
@kokzz Thanks, I hope its easy and useful to use. Do let me know if you have any feedback from using this early product
Hakim Zerhouni
Is there any limit on the size or number of requests? Looking forward to trying it out!
Zainul Ariffin
@hakz nope not planning to limit anything. Not too sure if there is a technical limitation but if u hit any problems, feel free to let me know. It was a idea that I bootstrapped in 2 days and will be adding more features and capabilities soon. Feel free to try it out and drop me any feedback or feature request :)
Damn, I just search this kinda tool yesterday, and now i got it in PH, good job, Mr.hacker
Zainul Ariffin
@hunphreyy hahaha thank you kind sir! do let me know what you think after using it! its really simple for now but I will continue to work on it :)