Cloud-based platform to automate and share the entire company 🔄 workflows from an online spreadsheet. Automate your Finance, Sales, Marketing, HR, Operations, and other processes using the technology you already know!
@pbriod Good question! The tech principle is the same of Zapier, but Sheetgo is focused on office applications. Because it's focused, Sheetgo has more specialized ways to manage data between tabular files. For instance, consolidate, append, filter data using content, filter data using colors, and more.
Hello Product Hunters!
My name is Jonatan and I’m a Marketing & Product Manager at Sheetgo! 🙂 I’m really happy and excited to give our product to your hands!
It’s been a couple of months since we started to work on a brand new version of Sheetgo. Today we want to present a new perspective and solution for spreadsheet management. It’s never been faster to get sheets done. 😊
With Sheetgo you can easily create 🔄 workflows right from your spreadsheet. Avoid buying software for every other process and use the technology you already know. Automate your Finance, Sales, Marketing, HR, Operations, and other processes using spreadsheets and Sheetgo.
Additional features:
🔵 Automate and schedule the frequency of your data flow
Create automated workflows by connecting data in spreadsheets and enabling Sheetgo’s automatic updates. Make your spreadsheets talk to each other!
🔵 Save dynamic data over time by appending
If you work with data that changes over time and you need a tool that allows you to track that data, use Sheetgo’s append feature to do the work!
🔵 Bring the data you need from multiple sheets into one master sheet
Import data from multiple spreadsheets into a single spreadsheet tab. You can easily manage thousands of data points into one place. Spend your time focused on other value-added tasks.
🔵 Combine data from multiple tabular formats
With Sheetgo you can connect data from spreadsheets of different file types, like Excel, Google Sheets, OpenOffice, CSV, and TSV. Fully integrated with Google Drive.
We would love to hear your thoughts and insights, so don’t hesitate to comment and ask! 🙂
Congrats on your PH listing, Sheetgo Workflows looks great (though it sounds a bit funny)! We would like to offer you to publish an interview about Sheetgo Workflows and your business in general at please PM me at for more details if interested
Hi everyone its Yannick, the proud CEO of Sheetgo and its talented, international and hard working team. This release as well as new branding has been a long time coming for us. There's a lot there that meets the eye...happy to chat about it...just ping me.
A day after April fool's day, yesterday the team gave me heart attack with bugs that weren't there :)
Automate your and/or your department's work with a spreadsheet with us...easier than writing a formula. And if not, give us the feedback, and we'll work on it! Try it out, upvote us and you can give me feedback here direct.
let's get Sheets done as some of my team likes to say :)
I feel more description is needed about the product. I enrolled and tried to use it but could not understand much about it. I guess this is an enterprise product?
Apologies if it comes as harsh, but just an honest feedback.
@gaurav_shrishrimal Sheetgo is intended for companies of all sizes to help them automate workflows based on data they have in spreadsheets. Do you currently manage any processes in spreadsheets?
Check out for some ideas of processes you can manage.
Also, if you'd like to schedule a demo with someone from our User Success team just respond here.
@gaurav_shrishrimal thanks for the honest feedback!!!! keep it coming! we need to work on our onboarding. It's made for individuals as well as teams and enterprises...we'll get better at the mean time Chad or his team would love to hear more...we're very much into non-scalable user interaction as we continue learning from the community
@chad_pittman Apologies for replying late. Let me give it a try and get back to you in case I see any issue. Best of luck to you and your team :) Kill it out there ;)
@tmc_doc Thank you for the suggestion and insights. Please follow our blog we will be announcing more info regarding all features and the product changes! ☺️