Michael Schneider

Service - Get paid anytime your flight is delayed.

Service monitors your travel as you fly, and files claims with airline(s) that delay or cancel your flight, without you having to do anything. We typically get users ~$600/year worth of vouchers or miles, all without them having to lift a finger. Just sync your inbox once, travel as you normally do, and know that Service has your back!

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Sounds like a great service but no chance I'm granting permission for "View and modify but not delete your email".
Jon Moore
@flowsion you could always set up a Gmail inbox that forwards on its own to another throwaway account. That way you're safe and you also have a copy in your primary inbox for your own records.
Ben Guild
@flowsion @shoshinzen or why don't they just give you an email address you can forward to? seems silly to require inbox access when they could provide rules for users who don't just let random startups read their email
Jon Moore
@flowsion @benguild sounds like they're trying to minimize the data storage they are paying for by simply accessing yours
Michael Schneider
@flowsion @benguild @shoshinzen hey guys, let me clear up why we ask for inbox access and what we do with that access. We used to allow users to manually file claims without requiring inbox access, and it was a huge headache on both sides. On the users side, they'd have to sift through their inbox until they found the correct confirmation email, and then forward it to a specific address. Then, since we file most claims with the users email, they'd have to forward us the airlines response(s). Overall, a huge waste of time. On our end, in addition to constantly having to nag our users to send us the correct documents, users would often file claims for flights that weren't actually delayed or cancelled. This also caused wrong expectations on both sides and wasted time. Getting inbox access is the quickest way around all of this, which is why we made it mandatory. So what do we do once we get inbox access? First, we only pull down emails with specific meta data that lets us serve our users. For example, we look for things from "American Airlines" or "Expedia" etc. Once we find a relevant sender we pull down the email in full to see if it contains a flight confirmation email (we don't pull down any other emails from an inbox). If the email contains flight data, we parse it and then use the data to check and see if it's delayed or cancelled. We also look for responses from the airline(s) once claims have been filed, and parse those out too. That's how we use the inbox, it's the most respectful we can be of users' privacy while also providing them with a seamless experience. We care deeply about our users privacy and take all necessary precautions to protect it.
Faisal Hassan
Michael Schneider
@faisal_hassanx more like a focus. We had always handled airline claims and it was our single biggest category - this allowed us to focus on doing just one thing, and doing it great.
Steven Rueter
Do you find $600 a year total for all travelers or $600 a year per traveler? The wording is a little unclear. Also, without giving away all of your secrets, could you please explain a little bit how this works?
Michael Schneider
@rueter it's an average of $600/year per inbox - most users just book for themselves but sometimes that includes other travelers in their inbox. See above for a more detailed description of how it works.
Brennen Bliss
This is a priceless service for people who travel all of the time. It's similar to the apps that track price drops for Credit Card reimbursements but obviously for a different application. I'm going to give this a try when I travel to Boston (which Is 98% of the time a delayed route lol). I'll post an update here when I experience it firsthand. Looking forward to it! Thanks for the post!
Michael Schneider
@brennenlb thanks for the kind words, and please let me know your experience with the product!
I've used AirHelp and was very satisfied. How is your product different?
@amaurymartiny As far as I can tell, they need access to your GMail and they claim to then do it automatically - e.g. they see the flights they book, and then check to see if they were delayed.
Michael Schneider
@amaurymartiny @cenk AirHelp can only help when your flight begins in Europe or when you're flying on an EU carrier. They don't help with US domestic flights (unless you were involuntarily denied compensation, which happens less than 1/2 of 1% of the time), and can't help with you're flying out of the US on non-EU carriers. I think we also make the process a bit more seamless.
Matt Griffin

Usually you just have to just accept that your flight experience was poor. Now you can get compensated!


Extremely easy and automatic to get money back for flight interruptions. Well worth granting access to my email inbox.


Nothing I can think of.

Michael Schneider
Thanks for the kind comments, Matt
Konrad Waliszewski
Sounds awesome - are there any geographic restrictions (i.e., is it only based on flights in and out of Europe because of EU law for flight compensation)?
Michael Schneider
@gokonrad we handle all US carriers, Canadian carriers, and EU carriers!
Alexandre Sartini
Does this work with Ryanair?
I think you mean "any time"? Or even "every time"?
David Stepania
Andrew Miner
If you fly a lot, this is for you
Abhilash Jain
Love the product video @schneider also the nifty touches while connecting accounts. Too bad it doesn't work for India atm, hopefully in the future :)
Michael Schneider
@findabhilash unfortunately in our experience the Indian airlines simply don't have a culture of customer service and it's a waste of our users' time to try and get compensation from them, quite bluntly they simply don't care very much. If you are flying a US or EU-carrier out of or to India we can help.
Abhilash Jain
@schneider Thanks for the response Michael, I have signed up and set automatic alerts. I look forward to using Service in the future.
Erez Abittan
Hi @schneider, this looks great. Is there any chance you could offer the same outcome without having to get mailbox access?
Michael Schneider
@_erez see above for a detailed explanation of why we made inbox access mandatory!
Juho S
This is something I would Microsoft+Google to create a API for, giving access to developers to email messages categorized by the machine learning algorithms as flight tickets (both already have semi-automatic recognition built for this) but few are willing to grant access to their whole inbox These selected messages APIs would spur new startups in the field for sure
S. Ketharaman
Why risk giving access to your Inbox and wait for claim to be filed - albeit on behalf of by SERVICE - when you can buy flight delay insurance from AXA Fizzy or EtherInc and get your claim credited automatically to your credit card account / ETH wallet by the time you reach the terminal at your destination airport? SERVICE is a great product but is somewhat undermined by the new kids on the Blockchain whose alternatives are both faster and more frictionless.
Tracy Chabala
OMG yes
Melr ile
This is looking very great idea and its pretty unique just like house removals project that I recently started here you can see it.