Michael Folling

Service List - List of companies that offer unlimited graphic design

Service List is a curated resource of online companies that offer unlimited services, from design to writing and development to digital marketing. I'm on record hypothesizing that the unlimited services market will grow exponentially, especially with the underutilized talent distributed around the world!

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Moe Amaya
Hola and happy Friday Product Hunt, thx for the hunt @michaelfolling! Service List is a collection of companies (many pulled from Product Hunt!) that offer unlimited services for a fixed monthly fee. The current focus is design services but we’v’e started adding writing, development and marketing services also. 📔 The "Background" We started using Many Pixels for our various side project tasks with a lot of success, which sparked our curiosity for other unlimited services. With a bit research we found that the unlimited services market is growing very, very fast and we decided to build Service List as a way to keep track of this industry while also providing a resource for entrepreneurs to easily compare different service options. 🗺 The Roadmap Thanks for all the questions thus far but the focus is primarily on design for 2018 then we’ll expand the other categories early next year. - Design Samples: We’re going to test the services anonymously with the same design brief so that we can make comparisons on aesthetics, communication, and turn around time. - Reviews (@abadesi) - We’ll open up customer reviews for the design categories with manual moderation (require samples?) - Build a Startup $1000 - Experiment to build a product using only unlimited services companies. 🇲🇽 Maker Bio My name is Moe. I’m a Mexican designer trained at MIT and based in San Francisco. I love the PH community and have had a bunch of great feedback from my other 3 product launches this year. Thanks you all 💕
@moeamaya wow I'm planning to launch a sit with same concept :) I'm currently gathering the unlimited services manually - here's the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsh...
Moe Amaya
@psdwizard That's just like how we started, but using Notion. Nice work, let me know when you launch.
Tiffany Zhong
@moeamaya this is super cool Moe! can't wait for you to add design samples/reviews
@moeamaya I haven't had a chance to do create a curated list. Though we've transitioned into productized service. Is it okay to include our unlimited design and development at https://fullstackhq.com/ to your site? Thank you
Federico Jorge
Looks great. How are you curating the list?
Moe Amaya
@federicojorge It's an internal ranking algorithm that's still a WIP. But the weights are price, listed turn around time, online reviews, website, portfolio and referrals. Will be updating and modifying it over time.
Ross Currie
@federicojorge @moeamaya Definitely needs user reviews, and the ability to upload samples of work you've received from the service.
Moe Amaya
@federicojorge @rossdcurrie yup working on adding that as we speak
Tim Winfree
Glad to see turn-around time is on your roadmap. "Unlimited" usually means "as much as we can handle," which can be quite less than you'd expect.
Ross Currie
@timwinfree "Unlimited Requests Per Month*" *Requests may take up to 30 days to complete, and look like they were made by the worst artist on Fiverr
Thank you for making this, as a founder it is so time consuming finding the right people to help you get stuff done as you try to focus on things that drive growth like building relationships etc -- how did you compile the list and do you have plans to add something like reviews? @moeamaya
Ram Rayavarapu
@abadesi Hi, we represent BillionLeads.co, a premier digital agency. Drop us a line if need help with any software projects.
Nice collection! You might want to add http://fairpixels.pro for UI/UX design for Startups
Moe Amaya
@jibly Just added them! Will take some time to get all the details for ranking accurately. But if you have any online reviews and a portfolio, please send it to me (moe at dixonandmoe dot com)
Karthik Kamalakannan
Hey @moeamaya , Love the idea. Makes it so easy for people to find services. You might want to add https://buildmojo.co under backend development.
Moe Amaya
@imkarthikk love it! Will post it on Monday
Roman Arellano
You can have a tab for freelancers that do the same thing
Michael Folling

Moe did an amazing job of organizing these services in a beautiful way considering that it can be hard to compare them against each other because it's not an apples to apples comparison.


Beautiful design and super intuitive way of organizing these various services.



Daniel Roger Casanova
Are you going to stick to only unlimited services or will expand to other agenxy reviews etc?
Moe Amaya
@danirogerc For now unlimited services. I added our roadmap above to give you a sense of the things left to do just in the design categories.
Roland Clifford
No bed)
Csaba Kissi
@moeamaya Moe did it again. Nice designed and useful. Thanks
Moe Amaya
@csaba_kissi 🙏 Appreciate the love Csaba!
Igityan Hayarpy
useful thank you
Zack Sheppard
This looks great, @moeamaya, thanks for making it! I've been thinking about ways to increase my bandwidth on these topics and you've done all the hard work of accumulating how I can do that. My one wish was for a Thumbtack-style review board, so I could get a sense for which agencies are overpromising vs. actually capable.
Moe Amaya
@zackzachariah Yep it's on the roadmap!
Very nice to have! Looks like when I open your site, the number 6 (Pebbled) and number 7 (Design Pac) have the same copied description.
Han Yoon
PR and community management would fit very nicely along with that list :) Lmk if you want to venture out into the cryptospace~
Jeff Eisley
I LOVE the look of this! It has that vintage tang we're always lookin for lol
Saijo George
@moeamaya Nice work buddy. It looks great
ali davoodi
Very cool, too bad it’s not more visually appealing 😏
mathew singh
Nice work.Thanks for sharing.
Madilaine Venzon
Congrats on the launch! Such a useful idea!