Eugene Lata

SEO Glossary by Serpstat - An extensive list of 150+ SEO terms and helpful resources


The purpose behind this list of 150 SEO terms and articles is to help you deepen your SEO knowledge. SEO is developing rapidly and we tried to make a resource to learn more about key concepts. The glossary is regularly updated so it is always ready to serve :)

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Eugene Lata
Shoutout to Product Hunters! I'm Eugene, VP of Marketing at Serpstat πŸ–– I'm proud to share something special our team has prepared for you β€” Serpstat SEO Glossary ✨ We know learning the SEO vocabulary seems like learning another language. That's why we decided to support all the folks in digital and created an SEO glossary with definitions, easy solutions, and helpful articles inside. Now we want to give our glossary a boost and spread as a guide to the SEO slang for other teams. What will you find? - 150 SEO terms divided into topics (Basic SEO, Technical SEO, Link Building, Analytics, etc.) - Relevant updated information (btw, you can suggest your term, and we will add it to the glossary) - Detailed explanations and articles (everything you need to understand the term) Moreover, inside is a handy compilation of valuable materials about SEO (guides, how-tos, whitepapers and infographics) and a nice gift β€” Serpstat promo code!❀️ You'll like it if you are a: - newbie SEO trying to understand the slang - SEO expert willing to improve and deepen the knowledge - SEO lead looking for sources to support a team. How to use it? #️⃣ Use the hyperlinks and tag clouds to find the term πŸ”‘ Find out the definition of a term you might meet (or suggest one if you can't find it) πŸ”Ž Dig deeper into the glossary with recommended articles. We strived to make this glossary the most comprehensive and helpful resource for SEO and digital professionals. If this glossary is enjoyable for you, bookmark this page for reference and feel free to share it with your team πŸ˜‰ We welcome suggestions from our readers, so leave a comment and help us make this dictionary the best resource for SEO professionals.
Anastasia Minenok
@dlabs Thanks Marco!
Eugene Hauptmann
Nice, you should do some sort of flashcards with all those terms! Especially the Ads world! 🀯
Maria Sereda
@eugenehp that's a great ideas, Eugene! I was thinking just about the same thing when I saw it!
Eugene Lata
@nataliekarakina Thank you! I'll check it out πŸ‘
That's a great instrument to connect and use the same terms between client and specialist. That's can always be troublesome to use the same and exact terms, and this tool will help both sides to understand each other. Also, it looks nice and pleasant to use it!
Eugene Lata
@lunaxod thanks, we appreciate your opinion :)
Anastasia Minenok
@lunaxod Thank yooouu! If you don't see the term you need, just leave a comment under the article and I'll add it to the glossary :)
Julia Lodge
Love it! Thanks for your work. Serpstat is a really great product:)
Anastasia Minenok
Thanks, Julia! Don't forget about the promocode inside the article πŸ€—
Ken Moo
Great resource for new SEO hires. Thanks for sharing
Anastasia Minenok
@ken_moo Thanks, Ken! Please, share it with your friends if you like it πŸ˜„
Anastasia Minenok
Hey Product Hunters! Greetings from one of the makers and the Editorial Head of Serpstat Blog :) I am thrilled to share our glossary with you, and I believe you will find it helpful. To differ from other similar resources on the web, we decided to follow these steps: - all the terms are widespread and really used in SEO - I added valuable articles, guides, and whitepapers to complement almost every term that you will find - inside you will find a nice letter with our best SEO content and a promocode We will be happy to answer any questions you have πŸ˜‰
Eugene Lata
@anastasia_minenok as I already told you personally, you did a first-class glossary. great work.
Anastasia Minenok
@eugenelata thank yooou ❀️
Oksana Strutsynskaya
Thank you for the awesome glossary, guys! Will definitely add it to my bookmarks
Anastasia Minenok
@new_user_158f288ac4 Thank you, Oksana! We'll be updating this glossary, so you will always find something new
Vitaly Maslyaninov
Hey! Looks like a job interview topics! Have saved a hard copy of your article, thanks a lot!
Anastasia Minenok
@vitaly_maslyaninov Thank you, Vitaly! Nice to read it :) We're always happy to help!
Felipe CorrΓͺa
Interesting, will check it out.
Eugene Lata
@felipe_correa hope you will like it ;)
Anastasia Minenok
@felipe_correa Thank you! Would you like to add something?
Maksym Astakhov
Very nice, looking forward for new updates^_^ Keep going!
Eugene Lata
@maksym_astakhov thanks for supporting us!
Alex Vokuev
A great glossary to understand seo terminology!
Eugene Lata
@alxvok Thank you! You can also suggest a term to be added to the glossary :)
Anastasia Minenok
@alxvok thank you, Alex! Don't forget about the promocode inside the article :)
Girdharee Saran
Great tool. Being in this field. I always try different tools for better results. I will be defiantly trying this one as well
Anastasia Minenok
@giri Thank you! I will be regularly updating it to meet everybody's expectations πŸ˜‰
Maria Sereda
Hey guys, thanks for such a useful format, I'm sure most of the SEO specialists will really appreciate it! Good luck with your launch!
Anastasia Minenok
@mariadiscovery2 Thank you, Maria! I'm glad you liked our glossary ❀️
Emre Gâkşin
I think you found amazing solution for complicated SEO termsπŸ‘
Eugene Lata
@emregoksin thank you so much for the support!
Ankit Sharma
awesome, thanks for this and congo.πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Eugene Lata
@ankitsharmaofficial Thanks! What would you add to this glossary?
Olga Tyagunova
A really useful solution! Thanks!
Eugene Lata
@olga_tyagunova thank you!
Samuel Briskar
Finally I will understand peers from marketing :D thanks!
Eugene Lata
@samuel_briskar thanks! Hope it will be useful for you ;)
Anastasia Minenok
@samuel_briskar Haha thanks :) I will be happy if you share it with your team πŸ˜‰
Yuliia Zadachenkova
Quite a treasure trove of information for me. Thanks for sharing this work, definitely will use it!
Anastasia Minenok
@yuliia_zadachenkova Thanks, Yuliia! You can always suggest a term to be added to the glossary.
very practical!
Eugene Lata
@kiddyu21 thanks! hope it will be useful for you!
Margo Kashuba
As always excellent job from Serpstat team!
Eugene Lata
@margo_kashuba1 thanks for trusting us!