Romain Lefebvre

Sequel 2 - Track series, movies, games & books – all in one place

Keep track of the movies, shows, games, books, and audiobooks you want to check out. Sequel reminds you of their release, keeps track of your progress, helps you choose what to enjoy next thanks to useful information, and so much more.

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Romain Lefebvre
Today marks an important milestone for Sequel with the release of version 2. In many ways, this brings Sequel closer to my original vision and sets up the foundations for some important updates! ▶ RICH MEDIA DETAILS Sequel 2 helps you pick what to enjoy next thanks to rich media details including How Long to Beat data for video games and where to watch movies and series. You can even open streaming apps with just a tap! ▶ BEAUTIFUL WIDGETS Bring the power of Sequel straight to your Home Screen and Lock Screen with 5 new widgets including Up Next Queue and Countdown so you can keep an eye on your most anticipated releases. ▶ NEW WAYS TO MANAGE ITEMS You can mark items as Playing/Reading for quick access or as Abandoned if you don't intend to finish them. And there's a brand new experience for interacting with series, including the ability to mark all past episodes and entire seasons as watched in one go. ▶ NEW SEQUEL+ Sequel's core experience is now free to all users. Subscribing to Sequel+ unlocks additional features such as release reminders, advanced widgets, where to watch info, and more. ▶ LIFETIME & FAMILY SHARING I heard your feedback and added a lifetime purchase option to access all of Sequel+'s features without the need for ongoing payments. Plus, with the Family Sharing options, you can share your benefits with up to five people for less than the cost of two individual memberships! I can't wait for you all to try it out. I'd love to know what you think and hear your feedback!
Rob In der Maur
Beautiful app with simplified yet elegant workflow to keep tracks of your series, movies, games, etc.
Romain Lefebvre
@chartyourmusic Thanks Rob! Glad you enjoy it! 🙌