Arjun Rajkumar

SEO SchemaMarkup - View your competitors SEO schema markups to build your own.

Adding schema markups makes your website appear more prominently in SERPs. This improved visibility has been shown to improve CTRs to your website. This tools helps you easily see all the schema markups used by your competitors (upto 10) in one go.

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Arjun Rajkumar
Hey all! I was researching different websites to see their schema markups using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool. But it was a manual process - and I had to check each page separately. So, decided to build this. This tool will crawl the first 100-200 pages and automatically check what schema markups are used on all pages of the website. You can do this for upto 10 websites in one go. If you need to check more than 100 pages, do send me an email (via the tool), and i'll crawl the whole website. Thanks!