Assembles pop-up knowledge teams.
Jack Smith

Topic Graphs by SenseiHub — Science-Art. Gain insights, then hang it up!


We created topic graphs over the last month to solve a problem for ourselves. Like Google Trends, ​it shows you the top issues being discussed from hundreds of news or scholarly articles in your topic of interest. Unlike Google Trends, ​it shows you data when ​you dig deeper. It also updates you only when a better article is published.

Sameep Manoj Sheth
Hey, i noticed biohacking link isn't working. It's missing the www. Try this. https://www.senseihub.com/biohac...
aditya sudhakar
Thanks Jack! Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by! First things first, you can get a graph for any topic of interest. Let me know what topic and your email here: https://goo.gl/forms/L8S6l5eBh65.... You'll get a link back shortly. As it says above, we created these to solve a problem for ourselves. It helps companies and pop-up teams work better together. For example, rather than just want to know more about big data, the manufacturer and pop-up team dug into how it improved predictive maintenance. More in the blog above. These have been created with force-directed graphs using the d3js library. There are a few graphs above you can check out. Do leave us comments and questions!
aditya sudhakar
A couple of examples of requests that came in. SRAM (https://www.senseihub.com/SRAM), private labeling (https://www.senseihub.com/privat...). You'll notice some graphs are denser than others. Denser graphs means heavier discussions on the topic!
Toby Robertson
Hey what happened to this project?
Artem Goldman
Love it! Great job guys!