Immortalizing Human Wisdom with AI Replicas
Dan Thomson
Sensay — Dementia care with lifelike AI replicas
Sensay is an innovative, AI-powered platform specifically designed to replicate patients to preserve their likeness, memories, stories, and personality. We also assist individuals with dementia through the digital replication of familiar people.
Dan Thomson
Sensay is founded on a heartfelt commitment to preserving the richness of individual histories and memories, especially for those affected by dementia. We believe that by digitally replicating familiar people, their voices and image, we can create a continuous thread of memory and identity, providing comfort and recognition in a world that might increasingly feel unfamiliar. Our goal is to utilize the power of technology to hold onto the essence of cherished relationships and moments, fostering a sense of continuity and connection for individuals navigating the challenges of memory loss. Dementia has affected so many families, my own included. We hope that with this technology that we can make it just a little bit easier for patients and their families.
Dan Thomson
It's been such an incredible journey to get here. We hope you can see the love, care, and dedication we've put into bringing this project to live.
Joseph Abraham
@vagrantcrypto Congratulations on the launch of Sensay! 🎉 Your heartfelt commitment to preserving memories and identities, especially for those affected by dementia, is truly inspiring. Here's to leveraging technology to provide comfort, recognition, and continuity in the lives of individuals navigating the challenges of memory loss. 🌟
Rick Robinson
This is an area of keen interest to us at the AgeTech Collaborative™ from AARP. Look froward to your progress!
Dan Thomson
@itsrickrobinson Let's set up a call sometime
André J
Really cool art-direction on the website!
Garen Orchyan
Looks super. Best of luck to you today 🦄♥️🎉
Dan Thomson
@orchyan Thanks!
The Original
I have dreamed of something like this only with VR to provide the background so a dementia patient could not only have those memories but see those places as they were. I don’t care if it’s a million dollar idea. I just want to see dementia patients find solace and happy memories.
Dan Thomson
@the_original This is where we hope the technology will get to. Surrounded by your entire ancestors.
Intriguing – is this project backed up by research or clinical trials?
Dan Thomson
@ajtorres Yes, but not enough, we are iterating and improving based on trials and updated research.
Luke B
How do you handle copyrights for all those famous people?
Dan Thomson
@lukebe They're not monetised, they're just examples created by the community to show the quality of the replication. We can also work b2b for clients, like celebrities, wishing to create a replica of themselves for fan engagement where they take the majority of the revenues earned.
Span Chen
It's inspiring to see technology being used to bring comfort and joy to those facing memory loss.
Tornike Tsiramua
Congratulations and good luck!
Wow, Sensay seems like an incredible solution for dementia care! I think it's such a fascinating concept and I'd love to learn more about the science behind it. Great job on creating such an innovative and meaningful product!
Leena Jose
I can see how Sensay can bring so much comfort and support to individuals with dementia by digitally replicating familiar people. It's truly amazing to see AI being utilized in such a meaningful way.
Himanshu Jatwani
good work Sensay Team.
Lee Fischman
This is one of the more fascinating projects that I’ve seen. Are you making plans to connect with the number of publications that are devoted to this topic? Also, I am a little concerned that dementia. Patients may not react as well to a surface. Have you considered advanced partnerships with 3-D Projects?
Dan Thomson
@lee_fischman We understand some of the difficulties, and we're working on as many different interfaces as possible. Both in terms of software and hardware. For instance we have an upcoming integration with which will enable us to have the interactions over a phone call. And a video interface, speech to text, and vice versa in the style of a video call with an avatar of them.
Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Dan!
Carol Gilbert
Love this launched .
Tania Parvin
Nice product hunt
J. S. | feelsdone
Such a useful tool! Plus brings so much social value. Love it!
Ashley from Shadow
I feel like the trend and need for a memory assistant is the latest buzz!! Thank you for preserving our memories
Ghost Kitty
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Shruti Sinha
@ankush_patel2 This technology preserve cherished memories and sense of continuity through AU is truly remarkable.
Nithin Raju
Congratulations :)