Kevin William David

Sembly Professional - Extract key meeting takeaways with the power of AI

Record, transcribe, and get AI-generated meeting minutes and summaries with Sembly Professional. Works with Zoom, gMeet, Teams and Webex. Try Sembly Team to unleash the power of AI in business meetings to transform them into actionable insights.

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Gil Makleff
Hi Product Hunters, you'll hear much about Sembly Professional from many but Sembly is not only about the awesome product its about a fantastic group of people focused on achieving outstanding results.
Artem Koren
Excited to bring AI to daily work with Sembly. Looking forward to all the feedback from our community!
Andrii Kpyto
Hello, Product Hunters! 👋 In 2021, you made Sembly Personal the #2 Product of the Day. We couldn’t have done it without you! We’re excited to share another part of the Sembly family of products — Sembly Professional Sembly is a US-based startup with a Ukrainian development and data science team 🇺🇦 Sembly supports a new meeting concept adjusted to the new world of remote and hybrid work. We’ve changed the meeting paradigm from a binary one to a continuous one, the meeting doesn’t stop when people leave the room. Sembly allows you to forget about… 💭…too many meetings Delegate meeting attendance to your Sembly AI assistant instead of missing a meeting when you are double-booked. 💡 Calendar Integration and quick invite (by link or email): Sembly will automatically join your meetings on all major conference platforms including Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc. 💡 Voice ID and Voice Commands: Sembly Professional keeps track of who-said-what, assistant understands In-Meeting Commands. 💡 Power of AI for your meetings: We have a proprietary AI system that processes our own speech-to-text transcription, diarization, punctuation, capitalization, etc. 💭…missed opportunities / key takeaways / insights With Sembly Professional, our machine learning algorithms generate insights like sentiment and follow-up actions that save you time. Sembly allows easy searching and recalling of important points across all your calls with one quick command. 💡 Glance View: Sembly creates easy-to-read summaries of your meeting. 💡 Quick Search: Sembly allows you to quickly find important points from past conversations. 💡 Autodetected Actions, Issues, Risks and Requirements 💭…manual meeting minutes Sembly automatically extracts discussed topics, detects actions, requirements, issues, and risks, and creates Meeting Minutes that can be shared with your team and clients. 💡 Cross-platform Meeting Cloud: Sembly keeps all your conversations live in one place 💡 Post-Meeting Dialogue: Sembly enables post-meeting dialogue and engagement 💡 Automated Meeting minutes: Sembly takes the hassle out of creating meeting minutes by providing automated templates and a rich set of options to add or change meeting minutes and include or exclude key items. Invite Sembly on your next call and you’ll never go back to agentless meetings again! To get started, go ahead and sign up through this link: Connect with our team to learn more about Sembly Team: and Sembly Enterprise: Sembly Professional and Team are paid plans, but there will always be a free plan with Sembly Personal. Thank you for reading - we really appreciate it! We’re super excited to get the Sembly Professional in front of Product Hunt and to help make your meetings more effective. Thank you, – @gmakleff and The Sembly AI Team P.S. Join our partnerships program! Complement all the great tools in your tech stack with Sembly’s AI meeting assistant:
Andrii Kpyto
Thanks @kevin for hunting us ❤️
Anna Litichenko
Love Sembly! Can't imagine my work without it 🙌
Andrii Kpyto
@anna_litichenko Thank you, Anna!
Nishith from True Sparrow
Great product, @kpyto Generating automatic meeting summaries is a brilliant feature. Good luck with the launch.
Andrii Kpyto
@nishith_shah thank you! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help get you set up!
Arwin Adityavarna
@nishith_shah Thank you! Not only summaries, you can also generate meeting minutes and follow on important part of the meetings with ease. We welcome you to try and start achieving more with Sembly!
David Alami
Sounds exciting, congrats!
Andrii Kpyto
@david_alami Thank you, David!
Maria Alexandrova
Super! Congratulations on the launch!
Andrii Kpyto
@maria_alexandrova1 Thank you very much!
Artyom Mihelson
Congrats on the launch from Ukraine! Слава Україні!
Andrii Kpyto
@artyom_mihelson Thank you very much! Героям Слава! 🇺🇦
Wiktoria Jaszcza
Congratulations on the launch! 🥳
Andrii Kpyto
@w_j Thank you very much!
Congrats on the launch 🚀🚀
Andrii Kpyto
@maxwellcdavis Thank you!
Good one. Congrats on the launch.
Andrii Kpyto
@basharath thank you! 🙌
Martina Hackbartt
I have made myself a Sembly account a couple of days ago and I'm so excited to give it some use! It would be a great solution to many of my day-to-day problems at work. Congrats on the launch, Sembly team!
Andrii Kpyto
@martina_hackbartt thank you very much, Martina!
Anastasiia Shkoldina
A simple and useful product. Like it. Good luck with the launch!
Andrii Kpyto
@zozylya Thank you very much!
Inna Khoma
Can't imagine my work without this app! So helpful when it comes to review past meetings information. AI summary and AI actions, risks, requirements help quickly to recall what was discussed and dive in if needed. Awesome app!
Andrii Kpyto
@new_user_31277753fea3c Thank you very much, Inna!
Umer Sufyan
amazing product
Andrii Kpyto
@umer_sufyan1 thank you very much! ✨
Baraa Al-Saqqa
Wow! Sounds exciting, congrats #Sembly! 👏👏
Yuri Kuschinsky
Congrats on the launch 🥳🚀
Alena Kulaga
How long has your project been in existence?