@rrhoover oh.. so that's what they are.. i thought they were just normal Chinese fakes with sigway stickers on them.. ok these are already floating about in my province here in GZ, China.. same couple of guys riding them about on the streets all day and all night long.. interesting.. i haven't been game enough to try it out yet.. they offer everyone who stops them a go at it.. and almost everyone flys off flat on their face after two seconds.. funny as as they can stop and your body is at a 75% angle to the ground face first, and it speeds up and stops you from landing face first into the road!
@bentossell It's kinda funny how Segways never really took off and then those sideways electric skateboards did (I'm not calling them hoverboards, don't try and make me), even though they're basically the same technology. I guess price, size, timing, play a big role.
Xiaomi (Segway's parent company) might even be a better brand than Segway at this point. Should have stuck with that instead, sounds unique and modern instead of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.
enter the clone race - http://www.airwheel.cn/news/662 just started their crowdfunding with $850,000usd sold so far in first 20 days with 28 days left of this campaign. delivery in just 30days after funded ends like normal crowdfunded campaigns here in china... no year long waits etc like kickstarters & indigogo campaigns lols. price per unit with a helmet is $414usd
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