Eithiriel DeMerè

Segment Sources - Load CRM, billing, and other cloud data to your Warehouse


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Andy Jiang
Hey hunters! Excited and proud to share this with all of you data and growth nerds out there! Ever since the Segment founders have posted Analytics.js to Hacker News (https://news.ycombinator.com/ite...), which received an overwhelmingly positive response, our team has championed the vision of simplifying analytics for our customers. We've built an API and client/server side libraries to collect and send this data to all of the tools you love to use. Last year, we were trying to figure out what factors helped close enterprise deals. We spent about 30 days pulling Salesforce and Zendesk reports into Google spreadsheets, before we were able to do any actual analysis. Perhaps even more egregious—we also had no easy way to create a dashboard of our annual revenue, as it required a ☕️ and ⏲ from our beloved CFO to pull up the spreadsheets to manually inform our team (and we're still eternally grateful!!). Aside from our own internal struggles to export and analyze third party data, we soon realized that customers don't just interact with you on your website or app. They talk to your sales team, your support team, click through your ads, call your phone line, etc., all of which are becoming more and more important to converting your users or closing your enterprise deals. With Segment Sources, things are a little different 🙃. We now can write 22 lines of SQL in 30 minutes to perform analysis to understand which blog content helped further sales deals. We can prioritize feature requests based on the customer's LTV. We can determine customer LTV by what page they looked at on our site. And, biggest of all, the entire culture of our company has embraced data as a way to make decisions and launch new experiments, now that it's measurable and accessible. We hope you find this useful! Please don't hesitate to ask questions here or send us a quick note at friends@segment.com. For more information, please check out our launch blog post: https://segment.com/blog/introdu...
Mike Coutermarsh
@andyjiang @segment love it, solves a huge problem. I'm constantly exporting CSV's from one vendor... importing into a DB, just to do a join. The easier it is to get data into one place, the better. As for analysis, I'm wondering if you have any plans for an easy integration with any ML services? Such as Amazon ML, Google's Prediction API or Azure ML?
Andy Jiang
@mscccc @segment Hey Mike! Great question. With the mission of making customer data analytics as accessible, portable, and consistent as possible, we're currently focused on building additional data sources (pulling data out of other data warehouses, advertising tools, etc), data warehouses (sending data to other types of data stores), and data integrations (traditional analytics/marketing tools). ML services probably falls in the data warehouse category. If we see a lot of interest in it and the use cases align with our vision, we'll certainly consider building it. If you want to request a warehouse, please submit it here: https://segment.com/contact/requ... Hope that helps! Btw we love product hunt 😍🍉🌯
Derek Skaletsky
Bravo Segment team! A great leap in democratizing the important product/business data so that every department can take advantage of it to improve their own processes. Obviously, as a partner, we're incredibly bullish on Segment - and this is a great step for us all! :)
James Whiteman
Set up my integration and sent off my first pieces of data last night, lovely experience setting this up, looking forward to shipping off my metrics all over the place!
Alex Flom
Sounds really interesting! If I understand correctly the new sources are only relevant for the warehouses and not for the regular integrations. Are you planning to allow sources -> integrations ?
Ilya Volodarsky
@alex_flom I'll answer with a tweet from my co-founder: https://twitter.com/reinpk/statu...
Dmitry Romantsov
This is a very useful product!
Vishal Agarwal
This is amazing, absolutely love it! Just launching my startup with extreme focus on data, and this just completely changed my entire data and infrastructure planning. Happy to do so at an early stage!