Hiten Shah

Segment Protocols - Quality control for customer data

Today we’re releasing Segment’s new data governance product, Protocols. Create actionable tracking specs for high-quality customer data throughout your company. With Protocols, you can prevent data that doesn’t match your spec from hitting your analytics and marketing tools.

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Until now, ensuring high-quality data across your organization has been seen as a people and process problem. At Segment, we believe that technology — not process — is the best way to protect data quality at scale. That's why we built Protocols. With Protocols, you can: - Align your company around a standard implementation spec (a Tracking Plan) - Streamline QA/testing by automatically validating your data - Block rogue events with rules to enforce your spec We couldn’t be more excited for you to get your hands on Protocols, and we can’t wait to see what you’re able to accomplish with a customer data infrastructure built on high-quality data. Let us know if you have any questions - happy to help! Niels - Protocols PM @ Segment
Jeff Needles
@nielst So excited for Protocols! When we discussed this a while back... I had no idea it'd turn into such a fully featured product, I was just complaining about some validation issues 🤓. 💯💯💯
@jsneedles thanks so much jeff!! we're super excited to get your team on board 😃
Hiten Shah
This is a much needed addition in the analytics world. Myself and literally everyone I know is constantly auditing analytics. This will help! Nice work Segment team =)
Andy Schumeister
Thanks, @hnshah! We're excited to make it easier for our customers to automatically validate their data.
Lars Grønnegaard Hansen
We needed this product badly in my previous company where we spend a ton of time fixing broken event data. We never made people and processes work for this problem - I think that this is a great solution to the problem.
Andy Schumeister
@lars_gronnegaard_hansen Thanks so much! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.