Alex MacCaw

Frictionless Signup by Segment & Clearbit - Magically autofill forms and improve conversions

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guillaume cabane
Hello Hunters and thank you @maccaw for hunting us! This is your best signup form - ever. If you are in B2B this will boost your conversion rate by 20% on day 1. 2 years ago we started using dynamic enrichment via Clearbit in the client as a way to improve our signup rates & validate the data. We've been refining it since, with live user scoring via MadKudu and dynamic content ... And today, we are open sourcing it! This nifty piece of code will:
  • - Prefill your user's form with rich user data
  • - Ensure the data matches before capturing the full profile
  • - Display social proof based on user role
  • - Enable user scoring & dynamic variations
Segment’s open-source Frictionless Signup shortens your signup form with automatically populated fields from Clearbit. You can increase your conversion rates without sacrificing enriched customer data. Clearbit will prefill data on your customers, and Segment will pass that data along to any marketing or analytics tool you want to use. When you know more about your customers, like where they work, what they do, and how big their company is, you can use those extra data points to send more helpful messages.
Shahed Khan
Top Product
@guillaumecabane @maccaw Wow.. This is brilliant. Removing the barriers from acquiring new users by simply having them type in their email and you guys populate the rest. Thanks for building this. 👏🏻
Stefan Pretty
@guillaumecabane awesome! What about B2C?
guillaume cabane
@stefanpretty great question! You can use the same code, but you'll need to find another datasource. Maybe ?
Ty Magnin
We do the same frictionless signup process at It helped us add fields to get more info from our signups while keeping our conversion rate steady.
Jesse Pollak
This seems really terrific — I just started doing a little integration into our signup form for and it's dead simple. We've been Segment and Clearbit users for a long time, and it's always great when they do collaborations :)
guillaume cabane
@jessepollak Awesome! Share the conversion rate improvement when it's done!
Jimmy Daly
This is pretty amazing. As someone who loves email marketing, I'm imaging all kinds of cool ways to build segments and trigger campaigns with the enriched data.
Walter Chen
really cool. any plans to make this simple enough for a non-technical (or lazy) marketer to do it?
guillaume cabane
@smalter #Startupidea? I think Clearbit should do it :) cc @maccaw
Jice Lavocat
Now I'm wondering : why would anyone need multiple-fields forms if you can retrieve so much data. I would just ask for the email, then do the information retrieval later on, server side. Is there a reason that would pushes you to do that dynamically on the signup form @guillaumecabane ?
Robbie Mitchell
@jice_lavocat @guillaumecabane The data is not always available. And sometimes it's wrong or outdated.
Matt Sornson
@jice_lavocat Just what Robbie said - sometimes you won't have all the needed fields come back from Clearbit. By pre-populating the form with the fields that do come back, you can make sure you're still collecting every attribute that you need on signup :)
guillaume cabane
@jice_lavocat @superstrong yep, plus as detailed in the blog post you can do data validation:
Nathan Cahill
Wow -- like the rest of Clearbit's integrations, it looks like magic. So subtle, you do a double take. Once you pick up your jaw of the floor, you'll realize that this wouldn't be possible without complete, canonical data. And that's where Clearbit really shines.
Matt Sornson
Here's a detailed how-to from the fine folks @segment
Adam Stone
Cool, but how do you prevent prospects from freaking out at the data you have on them?
Benjamin Kimo Twichell
Sharing your marketing magic I see @guillaumecabane nice :)
Morgan Brown
This is awesome, can't wait to implement it.
Robin Choy
@maccaw - awesome work as usual, can't wait to test it out in the wild!
Gilles Bertaux

We have implemented it everywhere on Livestorm.


It simplifies your forms, it's extremely powerful conversion-wise, you get way more data than you normally would.
