Seekmetrics - Get analytics on any Instagram & Facebook Account
Get analytics on any Instagram & Facebook Account
Ghost Kitty

Twitter Analytics by Seekmetrics — Get insights for any twitter user

Seekmetrics Twitter analytics lets you get insights for any twitter user, including retweet count, like count etc.
Totally free to use!
Daryl Bartkunsky
?makers how far back do you allow users to go?
Daryl Bartkunsky
@dancodes from personal experience the 30 day limit doesn't help much. Typically is its a specific period in the past ie: 15th June through 15th July.... I guess its why a-lot of systems try keep an active record of stats as opposed to pinging the api for the period - however @Twitter has put in some strict guidelines for what you keep off channel (Food for Thought)
Victor Daniel Cardenas
This is sick! Rolling out a similar tool for instagram would be pretty cool too
Shanon Walsh
yeah having this for instagram would be epic!