Seedform is a multi-step flexible form for onboarding your customers. It's fully customizable and themeable –– all with just a couple of clicks. Try Seedform to improve the way you gather data from your customers.
@louis_barclay, @skellystudios, @davyson. Technical question. What react boilerplate did you use to build the project? Any frameworks/libraries that helped?
@ameur_khaldi Thanks for asking; we built the whole thing without code on the Stacker app platform (
Full disclosure: we're the guys building Stacker. We're testing out our platform's ability to build apps that feel like they've been built with code.
@jmitch Great question Justin. Webflow is an (incredible) design tool for easily turning beautiful designs into working code that can be integrated into your tech stack. Stacker is a platform to build whole products, backend and frontend, without code. It's true that Webflow is moving into providing some app functionality out of the box (CRM, e-commerce) but it's still not the case that e.g. you can easily define new tables and fields and get them working in your app.