@bentossell thanks for the mention!
We built the SeatGeek Marketplace to try and make selling tickets as easy and transparent as possible. We tried to accomplish this goal in a couple ways:
1. Ticket Uploads - Instead of requiring users to fill in all their ticket information (seat numbers, barcodes, disclosures, etc), you start the selling process by uploading your tickets and letting us fill in all the necessary info.
2. Price Recommendation - We leveraged our Deal Score technology to help users competitively price their tickets. Similar to Deal Score (https://seatgeek.com/deal-score) on our event pages, we boil down all the inputs into one simple recommendation.
3. Price Transparency - The price you set is the price buyers see. Selling tickets on a marketplace can be daunting, so we wanted to make the process as straightforward as possible.
In terms of the dev process, we tried to take a step by step approach in a similar vein to one my favorite product slides: http://cl.ly/dsIU. Our version of the skateboard to car slide looked something like this: Allowing users to view purchased tickets in the app -> allowing users to add tickets into the app -> allowing users to send tickets to friends -> allowing users to sell tickets to friends -> allowing users to sell tickets on the SeatGeek Marketplace. Breaking up the dev process as much as possible has allowed us to learn and iterate a ton through the entire process.
@ajwaxman absolutely brilliant execution! (although I'm trying to sell tickets for a Bucks game and despite of uploading them successfully I can't see them anywhere in my account!).
What difficulties are you facing to implement this in your apps? iOS makes it difficult to keep PDF files so maybe through the "Share" button? On the other hand mobile allows to transform paper tickets to PDF tickets with its camera and visual recognition. Do you see it as a possible feature as well?
@jorgediaz thanks for the kind words! Are you sure your tickets were successfully uploaded and processed? If so, you should have received an email like this (http://cl.ly/drbr) and your tickets should be available by navigating to your My Tickets view (http://cl.ly/dsIj). If you got the email and your tickets are still not showing up I'm happy to troubleshoot a bit more if you don't mind sending me a note to adamw@seatgeek.com.
You've touched on a lot of the important aspects related to building this type of feature on mobile (sharing PDF files between apps, the ability to use cameras, etc). We're still trying to understand the key advantages and challenges of these options. Soon enough you'll see what we decided to go with for the first version of this feature on iOS :)
This seems like the perfect opportunity for people to rig the system and get away with it, no? What measures are you putting in place to detour that kind of action? (i.e.) Buying 10 J. Biebs tickets and instantly flipping them on your site. Wouldn't you guys be double-dipping in your own profits?
@kingliv_ we have policies similar to other major marketplaces to deter unethical behavior. This feature is tailored for everyday people that buy tickets because they genuinely want to go to the event but unfortunately end up not being able to go
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