Clément Champau

Scribe - Email signature made smart & sexy

Wasting time to create, install and manage email signatures?
No brand consistency across your company?
Distribution channels saturated?
Scribe is for you.

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Clément Champau
Hello Product Hunt 💌 What if we could re-invent a product that seems boring and ugly such as email signatures? How can we create an incredible user experience for it? That's the challenge we started with when we decided to work on Scribe. After 10 months of development and iteration, we are excited to share Scribe with you! If you are facing the following problems Scribe is for you: - Wasting time to create, install and update email signatures? - No brand consistency across your company? - Distribution channels saturated? The road to an exceptional user experience has still a long way to go so we can't wait for your feedback to keep improving the product :) It's free to sign up and play with the whole product. If you like it you will only have to subscribe to install your signatures. All your feedback are welcomed! :) Enjoy 🎉 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 💌 Email signatures were boring and ugly. We made them Smart & Sexy. As much as you are.
Clément Champau
@julien_le_coupanec Thanks for your feedback and support Julien! :)
Clément Champau
@thibauld Thanks for your support! :)
Lorenzo Castro
we've been using Scribe almost a year now and there's no way we're ever going back to regular email signatures 😊
Clément Champau
@lorenzo_cb Thanks for your support! 🙏
The "setup" is easy as ABC! Create my signature was a matter of seconds. Great job @clementchampau & @vddgil !
Clément Champau
@viviansolide Thanks for your support 🙏
Patrick Samy
Neat product experience, solved the need in a few seconds, as it should be.
Clément Champau
@patrick_samy1 Thanks for your support 🙏
An incredible email singatures tool, the best one, we are using it daily!
Clément Champau
@geoffroy_dh Thanks for your support 🙏 It's just the beginning. More exciting features on the way. Feel free to add or upvote in our product roadmap
Alice Zagury
I love this tool!
Clément Champau
@alice_zag Thanks for your support 👑🙏
Hugo P.
Love this tool! Keep on shining guys!!! ✨
Clément Champau
@hugo_pochet1 Thanks for your support 🚀
Rafael Hairston
I’ve been using Scribe for months now! It is elegant, powerful and genius!
Clément Champau
@raflvco Thanks Rafael! 💌
John Crumpton
Excellent product! Thrilled with it and support is responsive and friendly!
Clément Champau
@mrjohncrumpton Thanks for your support 🙏
Reese De Luca
I’ve been using Scribe for 3-4 months now and I’ve never been more proud of my email signature. It looks amazing, has call-outs to everything I would want. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Clément Champau
@reesedeluca Thanks for your support 🚀🙏
Yetunde Shorters
My scribe increased my engagement by 45%. I had the luxury of adding an animated hello in my picture. It's converting like gang-buster. LOVE IT!
Clément Champau
@yetunde_shorters Thanks for your support 👑
Larry Washington
Amazing Product,One of best professional invest you can make.
Clément Champau
@larry_washington Thanks for your support! :) 🎉
Joseph S. Kahn
I have been using scribe for over 2 months now and love it. The analytics are dope! Boom!
Clément Champau
@seostars Thanks Joseph :)
Eivind Håverstad
This app seems handy. 😃 How is the email client support? :-)
Clément Champau
@eivindhaa Thanks for your support! :) Automatically sync with G-Suite. In few days with all Outlook suite product and Gmail. Then for the rest of email client you can copy paste the HTML code of your Scribe signature in their settings.
Pratik Mandalia
This is awesome and I use it daily . Thank you so much for this tool
Clément Champau
@pratikmandalia Thanks for your support! :) 💌
Brad T
My favorite email signature tool. Support is great also, I had an issue left a message on messenger and Clément took care of it by morning.
Clément Champau
@btray77 Thanks for your support 💌
Rubèn Maestre
I've using it for few months, and at the beginning it was a great tool, but they have improved a lot, so now is even better.
Clément Champau
@ruben_maestre Thanks Ruben 🎉
Derick Downs
Love this tool. Super easy to use & customize. Great job!
Clément Champau
@derickdowns Thanks Derick 💌
Ron van Dooren
Amazing tool. Easy to use yet powerful.
Clément Champau
@noggledotcom Thanks for your support! 💌
Orin Safko
I love Scribe. We use it for all of our internal signatures. We also create and setup signatures for our customers in Scribe to add value to our service offering. Support is always on their game and updates are frequent.
Clément Champau
@orinsafko Thanks for your support 👑