Dmitry Snopov

ScreenTray - A better way to capture, annotate and share screenshots


A macOS app for capturing, annotating and sharing screenshots. Quickly add comments, highlight what matters or blur any sensitive content. Upload screenshots to Google Drive or Dropbox. Copy screenshots to the clipboard and paste them directly into Slack, Skype, Jira, Trello and lots of other apps.

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Dmitry Snopov
Hi All! After several months of development, I'm really excited to share my first product with the PH community! While there are a variety of applications for sharing screenshots, most of them are forcing you to use their own cloud systems, which are not always reliable and secure. That's why I built ScreenTray which is focused on better integration with existing cloud providers like Google Drive and Dropbox. ScreenTray allows you to choose who to share your uploaded screenshots with. You can use a public folder for sharing with everyone who has a link or private folders for sharing only with your team. There are also a few more goodies like a simple interface designed for quick annotations, ability to copy directly to the clipboard, ability to watermark screenshots with the logo of your company. The app is completely free if you don't mind a small ScreenTray logo on all screenshots. If you want to remove the logo or replace it with your own logo, you will need to buy a license. To celebrate the release, I've prepared some special discount coupons for you guys: lovePH30 – 30% off (∞ allowed uses) lovePH50 – 50% off (50 allowed uses) Don't hesitate because they will expire in one week πŸ˜‰ Let me know what you think about the app please. I will appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
Dmitry Snopov
@tcodinat Hi Toni! Thanks for your feedback πŸ˜‰ As I said in my maker comment, the biggest advantages of Google Drive / Dropbox are reliability and security. For example, I once developed a simple web scraper and was able to download lots of screenshots from a popular service which provides free storage for screenshots. People often don't understand that those screenshots are public and capture sensitive information like paychecks, license keys, passwords and so on. By the way, that was just an experiment, I didn't hurt anyone πŸ˜ƒ Also, screenshots don't take that much space, and I personally prefer to keep all my stuff in one place (Google Drive).
Dmitry Snopov
@nickchuckwalter Thank you Nick!
Alexander Isora πŸ¦„

Screenshot tools is a high competitive market. One should offer a really slick product to attract users.

ScreenTray has all the chances to become a notable player in this game!

P.S.: great landing page, Dmitry!


Awesome editor (especially love the blur feature)


Watermark in the free version

Annie Milton
OMG! I really like it!
Dmitry Snopov
@ani_hakobyan Thanks Annie!
Tim Winfree
This is very nice. Built with simplicity and speed in mind, for sure. Great blur feature, and the attention to detail by adding the white padding around the text. Perhaps my only feature request would be a few more color options in the color picker.
Dmitry Snopov
@timwinfree Hi Tim! Thanks for such a nice feedback! Really appreciate it. Actually, you can pick up any color you want by clicking on this tile (see the screenshot below).
Tim Winfree
@dsnopov Oh sweet. I don't know why I assumed that was just a rainbow gradient. You've covered everything, then!
testing, will feedback in 3~4 days. First contact : seems cool, do not know if its adds too much too my actual workflow native MacOS sshot feature => It does take 150 megs and money and space on my drive , so far so bad if i may :) but willing to take it for a spin
Dmitry Snopov
@francoolaami Hi Francoo! Thank you for the honest feedback! Actually, ScreenTray takes only 70-90 megabytes of RAM and it's not that much if you look at the competitors. It also allocates additional resources for each window, but they are immediately deallocated as soon as you close the window. As for, compare 1) take screenshot => 2) open a new tab => 3) paste screenshot => 4) annotate => 5) upload => 6) copy a link => 7) paste the link to 1) take screenshot => 2) annotate => 3) upload => 4) paste the link Anyway, I'm looking forward to your feedback in 3-4 days! Thanks!
@dsnopov ok you've got a point :) cmd+z not working is that possible ? also i would be super cool that screeshoot get's a "canvas" in order not to fill the screenshot
Dmitry Snopov
@francoolaami That's strange. Command + Z should work. It would help if you could provide more details. Can you please send an email to with more detailed description? Thanks for the feedback!
Ferruccio Balestreri

Would love to have a shortcut to record a screen selection too and maybe get a GIF created from the video! I think a feature like this one would help screentray differentiate from its competitors


Awesome! Love that you can watermark all your screenshots!!



Harsh Gelda
When does the Windows version launch.?
Goldy Arora
This looks great, I have a lifetime deal with Cloudapp and Wondering how is it different than them?
Dmitry Snopov
Hi @goldy_arora! Thanks for the feedback! It's really hard to compete with lifetime deals, but I think that CloudApp is overwhelmed with features a little bit. ScreenTray provides a much simpler interface. Other than that, it's just a matter of preference. Some people might prefer Google Drive / Dropbox over the CloudApp cloud.
MΓ‘rcio Duarte
Hey Dmitry, At the moment I'm using DropShare for the same function and two things that prevent me from replacing it for your app is the ability to upload images to my own server and use my own URL shortener for the links. Do you have any plans to implement something like this? Congrats on the launch! πŸ‘πŸ»
Dmitry Snopov
@marcio_duarte Hey MΓ‘rcio! Thank you! There were no plans, but I will start working on this feature if a lot of users ask for it.
Gaurabh Mathure
Hi @dsnopov . I am a fan of this functionality as I have used it on Skitch for the past 2-3 years. I am curious to know if there's anything different from Skitch that will make me switch to ScreenTray?
Dmitry Snopov
Hi @gaurabhmathure ! Skitch is a great application, but it's heavily tied to Evernote. ScreenTray was designed for people who prefer to upload their screenshots to Google Drive / Dropbox. ScreenTray's advantages over Skitch: - much simpler interface; - handy combined tools (text + arrow and text + rectangle); - ability to add your logo to screenshots. Thanks for your interest!
Yu-Cheng Wang
Love this product! I have used Skitch and Gyazo for a while, this product is simple but also powerful. Just wondering if this is possible in the future release: 1.rename the file name before upload, so I can easily search my screenshot 2.set the image compression rate and quality before upload, so I can save my Google Drive usage. Thank you!
Dmitry Snopov
Hi @yu_cheng_wang ! 1. That's a good idea. I will think about that and ask other users what they think. 2. My intent is to keep ScreenTray as simple as possible, so there is a small chance that this will be implemented in the future. You can currently reduce the file size by downscaling retina screenshots. This option is located under Preferences > General. Thanks for your feedback!
Bertold Kolics
I wish the checkout worked on the website. Is there a problem?
Dmitry Snopov
@bkolics Hi Bertold! I just checked everything on Chrome / Chrome mobile / Safari / Safari mobile / Firefox and everything seems to be working. Which browser are you using? If you still have problems with the checkout on the website, try this link: Sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.
Nicolas Hung
@dsnopov I tried uploading to Google Drive but it's stuck in the loading screen after selecting the destination folder.