Jaydan Urwin

Snipclip Convert (Previously WEBM 2 MP4) - Convert .webm files to .mp4 files without uploading them

I was getting tired of waiting for uploads to convert my .webm files to .mp4 files. That's why I made WEBM To MP4! There's no ads, no uploads, and no watermarks. Just select your local file, convert, & download! 🤯

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Jaydan Urwin
Hey fellow Hunters! My name is Jaydan and I'm a designer and developer based out of Boise, ID! Almost a year ago I released Screen Recorder and it's served its purpose really well. However, one thing that bugged me was if I needed a .mp4 file for whatever reason I would have to go to a conversion website with a bunch of annoying ads, wait for my file to upload, wait for it to convert, and then download it. So I did my research and found some modern web technology that lets you do the conversion locally which brings us to WEBM To MP4. I'm offering it for free. Yes, F-R-E-E. No ads. No limits on how many conversions. Also, since it doesn't upload your files to convert them it's extremely private and secure. Oh! And it's a PWA meaning it's installable on Chrome OS, Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. If you appreciate the product please share it with anyone else you know would enjoy it and if you really love it I have a Buy Me a Coffee page Happy Hunting!
Max Prilutskiy
Very nice idea! 👍
Jaydan Urwin
@prilutskiy thanks! It's definitely not groundbreaking but it's a much-welcomed productivity improvement 🙌🏼
Ankit Sharma
awesome thanks for this :)
Jaydan Urwin
@new_user_113d78b7f9 Of course! I'm glad to see it's helping people out! :)
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I've waited about two 'n' a half hours for the product to load but the whole time it just says: "Loading Converter..." what do I do
Jaydan Urwin
@2n8 which browser are you using?
Jaydan Urwin
@2n8 If you can give it a try in Chrome or Microsoft Edge I'd appreciate it! These browsers all use the latest browser technology and APIs which this web app takes advantage of. Please let me know if you continue to have issues after trying one of these though as I'd like to get it resolved for you.