Jaydan Urwin

Screen Recorder - A minimal, ad-free screen recorder in your browser

With more of us working from home than ever before, there's a growing need to show someone what's on your screen. That's why I built Screen Recorder! It's a modern and minimal Progressive Web App. 100% Free. Private. No Watermarks. No Ads. No Recording Limits.

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Vaibhav Namburi
I'll bite, could I ask whats better about this vs loom, screencastify etc ? I'm a BIIIG screen recorded, remote team across multiple timezones, so always looking for ways to improve my work flows :)
Jaydan Urwin
@veebuv Great questions! One of the main differences if you're comparing it to products like Loom and Screencastify is those are both chrome extensions (Loom also has a desktop app yes but still). Chrome extensions are great for some but definitely have their limitations and privacy concerns. For example, they only work in Chrome and now the new Microsoft Edge browser based on Chromium (there will never be Firefox or Safari support). The privacy aspect is that chrome extensions are in fact an extension of your browser running in the background and most of them need full access to view whatever your web browser is looking at at all times they are running. The other main difference with Screen Recorder is it's free (it'll remain that way, I promise) and there is no requirement to make an account. "Just go to the website and hit record" was kind of the goal of the product. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)
Jaydan Urwin
@veebuv The other thing I'd like to call out in addition to it just being a website is it's a PWA meaning you can install it to your desktop with the click of a button in most modern browsers (like Chrome or Microsoft Edge). There's no bulk download process necessary. Just click the "+" install button in the top right of your browser's url bar.
Jaydan Urwin
Hey fellow Hunters! My name is Jaydan and I'm a designer and developer based out of Boise, ID! With more of us working from home than ever due to COVID-19 and social distancing I quickly realized how much of a need there was for a simple screen recorder on the web. That's why I built Screen Recorder (https://screenrecorderapp.com) Although there are great chrome extensions and desktop apps out there I've found nothing really beats the simplicity of a website. It's also a PWA meaning it's installable on Chrome OS, Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. I'm offering it for free. Yes, FREE. No ads. No watermarks. No limits on how long you can record. Just select the screen, application, or window you want and hit record. If you appreciate the product please share it with anyone else you know would enjoy it and if you really love it I have a Buy Me a Coffee page @ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jay... Happy Hunting!
@jaydanurwin omg thanks 4 making this app! its amazing now i can take videos and put them on yt thatnks to u
Giulio Maselli
The UI is too minimalistic, I do not understand how it works and there are no instructions on the website.
Giulio Maselli
Also a bit of explanation about privacy and how the data is handled would be nice. From the privacy and data security perspective it's an horrible idea to use a web app to do screen captures. Where does my video go? Who has access to it? Is it deleted after I download it? Is it monitored by someone when I am using it? Is the connection between my computer and the web app encrypted? And so many other questions of this kind come to my mind....
Jaydan Urwin
@giulio_maselli Thank you for the feedback! When I designed it I wanted there to be nothing getting in the way of the user's goal which is why it ended up so minimal but I always will take constructive criticism so thank you. As for the privacy concerns I completely understand. If you see the "i" icon in the bottom right corner you actually can click that button to see a dialog box of the product features and info. This is where I highlight everything is happening directly in your own browser. There is no upload of recording data of any kind in Screen Recorder and it'll remain that way. The site is also HTTPS encrypted and fully static so it really is just a simple website, servers are not running the app.
Petteri Puumala
This is great!
ADitya Kandari
Wow, simple, clean, no distractions. πŸ‘
Jaydan Urwin
@aditya_kandari Thank you so much for the compliment! I really did want to design it in a minimalist way so there is nothing getting in the way of getting a quick and easy recording.
Chris Buttenham
Would be great as a Chrome extension πŸ™‚
Jaydan Urwin
@chrisbuttenham It's definitely a possibility! Although I did want to emphasize the fact that is a PWA. Meaning you can actually install it your desktop and access it from your App dock, desktop, or applications folder. Just click the "+" install icon in the top right of your browser's url bar (in Edge and Chrome right now). Thank you for the request though, I'll keep it in mind!
Claudinei Felipe
@Jaydanurwin I loved the simplicity (to the point), thank you very much! I missed the hotkey and a timer to boot. I currently use this app "ScreenToGif '" and was looking for something more minimal. God bless!
Jaydan Urwin
@claudinei_felipe Duly noted! I was thinking of adding a pre-recording timer of 3 seconds. Thank you for the feedback!
Wow! I've been recording my screen for ages, and I never knew it could be that easy :) Thanks guys – I'm definitely sharing it with my fellows!
Jaydan Urwin
@marie_dostoewskaya Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I built it out of my own need of a simple way to get a quick no-fuss recording so I hope it helps you and your colleagues do the same!
Santeri S
This is the simplicity an app like this needs. Some of the screenrecorders drive me nuts with their complicated UI's and poor performance.
Yevhenii Peteliev
Niicee! Looks very useful. I can't wait when I try it :) Congratulations!
Mert Solak
Very nice, a lightweight program. Thanks for this product. I agree @giulio_maselli, data privacy is important for this product.
Jaydan Urwin
@giulio_maselli @mert_solak Feel free to see my reply for a little more detail but if you click the info "i" icon in the bottom right corner I highlight privacy as one of its main features. Let me know if you have any other feedback, I'm all ears!
deepak shakya
Truly minimalistic! Will there be options to download recording in different formats?
Jaydan Urwin
@deepakshakya Great question! I am currently scoping out the possibility of it supporting MP4 exports by default on Chrome rather than a WEBM file. Since this is using web technologies I really am at the mercy of what the user's browser supports and right now Chrome is the only browser that would support a direct recording to MP4 (according to my research). Keep your eyes peeled though, you might see the MP4 export sooner rather than later! πŸ‘
Vishal Kataria
I see this as the video capturing equivalent of Skitch. So simple it doesn't need a manual. Love it! Thanks @jaydanurwin
Jaydan Urwin
@vishipedia Thank you for the compliment! That really means a lot to me because my motto for design is "get out of their way". The design should help people get to what they need quicker without a need for a user manual.
KachurMTB 777
Like it! Want it! Thank you!
Jaydan Urwin
@kachurmtb_777 Glad to hear you like it! And you're welcome! πŸ˜€
axy 2023
@jaydanurwin an amazing application. I just love it. Can't you put system sounds as an additional option to the audio recording process?
Evgeniya Nikolaeva
So useful to be able to choose between tabs and even apps! And the audio recording option is cool! Great job!
Jaydan Urwin
@evgeshanik Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoy it!
London Perry
Definitely a must-have for anyone utilizing screen recording in either a personal or professional setting! Very simply design making screen recording possible in just a few clicks and I couldn't ask for anything more. Also, the fact that this is a PWA makes this even easier to integrate into my workflow as well and I'm excited to continue using it!
Claudinei Felipe
@Jaydanurwin I loved the simplicity (to the point), thank you very much! I missed the hotkey and a timer to boot. I currently use this app "ScreenToGif '" and was looking for something more minimal. God bless!
Asif Islam
Hi! This is the most lightest and easyest screen recorder I've ever used. Just loved it. Keep up the good works.
nice πŸ‘