Ria Blagburn

Bloop - Information-theoretically secure, expiring messages


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Andrew Zusman
Is "theoretically secure" an oxy moron?
Ross Rojek
@UXAndrew Would you believe them if they said "guaranteed secure"? I don't think anything is truly secure any more, not if a government is looking for it.
Tori Bunte
@UXAndrew heh, my thoughts exactly. Plus, "theoretically" doesn't instill any degree of assurance
Andrew Zusman
@stttories It's like calling a diaper company "usually fresh" :-)
Ria Blagburn
@UXAndrew The maker said on Hacker News that it was just a side project, so that might be why he's not offering any guarantees!
Andrew Zusman
@riaface Makes sense :)
Ria Blagburn
@akrasiac got in touch with me on Twitter and pointed me in the direction of this Wikipedia article: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I...