Golden Kitty Awards

Scoop - Watch unreleased movies and give feedback to improve them.

Scoop lets studios and TV networks show their soon-to-release shows and movies to a select audience in exchange for their feedback on what they would like to have improved. The studios then pay the respondents for their time and effort.

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Dave Light

REALLY enjoyed the concept of seeing a movie that is variable to the final cut seen in theaters. The movie I watched was not even in final edit yet and they wanted feedback as to what to do GREAT idea


GREAT concept surely a groundbreaking idea


not nearly enough movies to test yet

Alfonso C. Betancort
I cannot upvote it because it’s iOS unfriendly (tested on an iPad Pro 13” running iOS 11.2.5) and I don’t see myself sitting in front of a computer movies anymore. Sorry.
Kevin Grinsted

wish I had it now


exactly what someone living in rural and remote locations nees


not ready yet for the great white NORTH

Jake Allarding

I had a GREAT experience with Scoop. They have only sent over one video to watch so far but I really enjoyed the film and the feedback process. It was fun to really think about the film in depth afterwords if it not something you do on a regular basis. I highly suggest signing up. Its a nice supprise when they send you an email asking if you will watch a movie for them!


See films easy and fun


they have only sent 1 film so far...

Cara Wonoski

i'd to be invited more often.


fun, enjoyable, easy work


not enough work to do!

Amari Allah

I think, at this point, I have gotten to see 2 - 3 movies from Scoop and while I can't recall one which ended up being a major motion picture release, the insider vibe is always pleasant. Plus, sometimes, you get a little monetary token of appreciation. Nothing big, but enough for a snack.


Opportunity to provide feedback for unreleased materials.


Opportunities are infrequent.

Simon Bromberg

I think I've watched a couple trailers and one whole movie. The frequency of new content to watch is very rare, and you'll probably not get something that you'd typically enjoy.

Another movie I tried to watch but it was unwatchable because it wasn't even finished yet.

Plus you could be asked to watch a 2 hour movie or a 1 minute trailer and they pay you the same amount (~ $7).


Interesting opportunity to watch movies/trailers before anyone else and get paid for reviewing them


Pretty rare that you'd get sent something to watch, and if you do it might be a pretty rough draft, and you only get paid a few dollars

ben high

I was excited to be a part of scoop but after the first screening had a time limit smaller than stated, they never emailed me again. Bummer.


A good idea


User unfriendly: "you have 48 hours to watch this movie starting 32 hours ago"

Paul Shapiro
As a movie buff, I've absolutely been loving Scoop!
Christine Crain-De Hoyos

I loved the last movie I watched from Scoop


First look at new films and stories


Should be offered more often to loyal reviewers like me.